I know something.........................where the hell are the photo's Huck??? Damn kids!
Hell...I got a text that he had seen 7 and had gotten busted drawing on one early this morning. I texted back about 4 hours later and got a picture in return....fugger didn't even have the courtesey to send when he shoots...just when he gets busted...lol
Would that be a douche bag move rotflmaoickle: rotflmao Inquiring minds want too know :smiley_clap:
I didn't get shit. The only pics I ever get from him is when he's drink a Yuengling.
Wtf Huck???
That's it Huck, no impregnating my wife! Can't even shoot me a text, gotta read it on Facebook...
I got a text that read "Doe down". replied to it and haven't heard anything since. Maybe he is trying to impregnate the doe?