Greg that would have been awesome to see. I filmed a basket rack freshen up one about 3 yds from my treestand. Pretty cool to see.
Rut is on in my part of SE Ohio. This morning my father took a decent mid to low 120 8 point as it nudged a doe just outside a food plot. We have watched this buck all summer and estimated him at 3.5-4.5yo (body structure and gray face). Decent spread but mass was lacking. The buck gave him a 15 yard chip shot and he didn't go 40 yards. Hopefully we didn't make a management mistake by killing this deer. We just felt he didn't have the genetics. The buck did have a nice body on him. We weighed him at the check station and on their scales he weiged in somewhere between 165-170 field dressed which puts him at or just over 200 live weight. Which makes sense because he was a pain to drag out. For a woods deer being 200# IMO that is a heavy deer. Here are some pics of my father and I posing with the deer. View attachment 4447View attachment 4448View attachment 4449
What broadhead darron? Dont sway the topic ppl haha i just would like to know.