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No Till Food Plots - So Easy


*Supporting Member*
In my opinions - one of the hardest things to do as a land manager is accurately assess your deer population, especially in large timbered areas. I hear so often “we don’t have that many deer”.

Just the fact that you cannot see a long ways in large timber tracts, often limits the number of “sighted” deer on the landscape. However, this does not mean they are not there - we also don’t want to just assume the deer densities are adequate without some type of quantifiable attempt.

I know we have a high dpsm on the farm. However- we don’t often get pictures of 7+ deer at a time.

We do get a lot of pictures simultaneously and we measure browse both on woody regen and food plots.

When you combine all of this together - it adds up for some really good assessment of the local deer density and allows us to put togyuer a plan for cutting timber, planting food plots and harvesting does.

Make/plant more food, shoot more does or often times - do both!
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*Supporting Member*
New this year is bulk pricing discounts. This is great for those who want to add more acres of NItroBoost or Carbon Load.

Also this is a great option for those who don’t have a dealer near them and want to buy in bulk with their family, friends, neighbors, etc.

We are offering this on The Vitalize Fish Fertilizer+humics as well!
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*Supporting Member*
Soil sampling

I love to soil sample and keeping it simple will give you great, consistent result!

Trying to recommend soil amendments without consistent soil sampling procedures - leads to us chasing our tails.

1. Use @wardlabs or other reputable labels - so you get all the needed metrics (we sell Ward’s on our website).
2. Use a soil probe - as you see I mark mine at 6inch depth.
3. Take same time of year
4. Notice @onxhunt maps on my phone - I mark my gps coordinates so I know that I am accurate in my sampling.

This leads to better quality, and consistency in the samples. Which will lead to better gardens, food plots, farms, etc.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Soil sampling

I love to soil sample and keeping it simple will give you great, consistent result!

Trying to recommend soil amendments without consistent soil sampling procedures - leads to us chasing our tails.

1. Use @wardlabs or other reputable labels - so you get all the needed metrics (we sell Ward’s on our website).
2. Use a soil probe - as you see I mark mine at 6inch depth.
3. Take same time of year
4. Notice @onxhunt maps on my phone - I mark my gps coordinates so I know that I am accurate in my sampling.

This leads to better quality, and consistency in the samples. Which will lead to better gardens, food plots, farms, etc.

View attachment 205952
Al, I see on your website you offer two options… Soil Test and Soil Test with Soil Assessment. Can you give us the details on what’s included in the Soil Assessment?
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*Supporting Member*
Al, I see on your website you offer two options… Soil Test and Soil Test with Soil Assessment. Can you give us the details on what’s included in the Soil Assessment?
So SHA is bad ass but it’s full encompsssing of physical, biological and chemical.

so you get all the standard readings, but also the water soluble nutrient readings, the co2 respiration readings, etc.

I love that test but for most foodplot and gardeners it’s not needed.

if you are trying to measure changes over time - than I’d say it is absolutely a great tool, especially if you couple it with a PFLA sampling. I don’t offer that as I just think it’s a bit niche - but I’d be happy to help anyone who wants to go down that route.
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