he went to penn state?:smiley_confused_vra
Doubt it..lmaoGot kicked out, everyone was always dropping the soap and asking me to pick it up, but I refused. Got a letter from the Dean the following week saying I was finished there.
Rumor is, the boys have been doing some mods to their company vehicles!!!
He is the portly one... :smiley_crocodile:
Just cause you are reformed doesn't mean you can pick on the fat kids. lol
Flutey we actually ziptied 4 pushmowers together. Diablo was getting too winded riding bike mowers around lol
LOL at jesse
And na i was hittin on college chicks, then weedeating when they rejected me. Apparently a bright green belly shirt, fresh cut jean shorts and and mullets aren't in style anymore???
No shit. You and Greg dress alike when you mow! :smiley_crocodile:
yeah, but i only wear those shirts because all of mine have shrunk in the dryer, and the shorts because the boys gotta breathe.