Just wondering if anybody else is using this caller or have any input on it. I am thinking about picking one up in the next few weeks so I can get the yote on the run around here. Any input would be appreciated very much. Thanks.
I'm all ears TOO. Dad was asking me about what I needed to kill yotes today. I think he's interested in hunting some, which is a shock to me...
I have the fury... Works great
I hope mine gets the yote to come in lol. The crow will be an added bonus. I seen last week in Mansfield while driving around for work large numbers of crow flying. I seen several murders of over 100+ birds. It was fuggin crazy and something I have never seen before in my life.
Come on mid December. Some yote need to die around here lol.
I have always wanted to hunt that parking lotDown on rte 70 in Cambridge there is a Wal Mart along the south side of the highway that the crows roost in the trees along the highway in the hundreds and sometimes it looks like the thousands.... the trees are full of them at night....