*Supporting Member*
No christmas here this year. We will try to scrape up a few bucks to buy the grandkids something but there simply isnt any money for frivolous things like christmas gifts here. I believe the wife is planning on puting up the tree and having some sort of dinner but thats it. Our kids are all grown anyway, the youngest being 15. My 2 boys live with their mother. one is 18, the other fifteen. neither one of them has the time to resond to a text, return a phone call much less come over to visit once in a while. sorry, got nothing for ya. My oldest stepdaughter lives off the system, she lies to us and steals from us. nothing for ya. the stepson is 21 and about a month after moving in with us quit his job. He now lives here for free with no resposibilities, nothing for you either. The youngest stepdaughter has turned into a defiant little snot. Wont lift a finger to help out around here, and has decided to backtalk us. I wish i had the money to give my mom and my wife something but it dosent look good.
Truth is it dosent bother me at all. society has lost site of what christmas is anyway. There was a time when the naughty and nice list actually meant something. Kids nowadays can act like complete turds all year and still expect to see a laptop or some other high dollar electronic gadget on christmas day. You put a lump of coal in a kids stocking now and they will either shoot you in your sleep or have you arrested for cruelty.
Call me a scrooge if you want, whatever. i'll even toss out a "humbug" if you want. But with 14 million people out of work, and the economy in the toilet. I really dont want to see the commercials of the "happy" people giving each other luxury cars and diamonds for christmas. It just leads to more resentment and a greater divide between the upper crust and the suffering middle class. Is'nt christmas about everybody getting along and careing for each other? seems to me rubbing it in how good the wealthy people have it is going to have the opposite effect.
I guess if I had a "christmas wish" it would be "peace on earth" and in my own house.
I have found myself sunk into a depression that i just cant shake and a feeling of hopelessness that wont go away.
Truth is it dosent bother me at all. society has lost site of what christmas is anyway. There was a time when the naughty and nice list actually meant something. Kids nowadays can act like complete turds all year and still expect to see a laptop or some other high dollar electronic gadget on christmas day. You put a lump of coal in a kids stocking now and they will either shoot you in your sleep or have you arrested for cruelty.
Call me a scrooge if you want, whatever. i'll even toss out a "humbug" if you want. But with 14 million people out of work, and the economy in the toilet. I really dont want to see the commercials of the "happy" people giving each other luxury cars and diamonds for christmas. It just leads to more resentment and a greater divide between the upper crust and the suffering middle class. Is'nt christmas about everybody getting along and careing for each other? seems to me rubbing it in how good the wealthy people have it is going to have the opposite effect.
I guess if I had a "christmas wish" it would be "peace on earth" and in my own house.
I have found myself sunk into a depression that i just cant shake and a feeling of hopelessness that wont go away.