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DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I also have from Tonk the consideration of an extra week of muzzy. I also just participated in another survey he sent asking about numbers of deer seen, taken, if you would like an extra week, and a couple other things.

The survey seemed set up to fail as it was saying it needed taken asap but were asking questions about the future...did you hunt the extra weekend of gun?....did you hunt muzzleloader?...etc...

Been, I just got the same survey, but Tonk sent out an additional email saying that the most recent survey should be taken AFTER you are done hunting for the year. I just got the email clarifying that about 30 minutes ago.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I recieved three. One I filled out one. The other were the same two. One with a note sayong to take it later and another with nothing except to take the survey.

I musta been a Beta tester ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Tonk told Darron that via email.


And yes.. It could bounce back very fast if allowed to... However, it will never be allowed to... From what I've seen, I believe we would have to make zone c all zone A for a year or two in order to see 2008 numbers again..... Obviously there will be areas in C that will explode as there are pockets that are doing fine... But te majority would take a year or two.... The problem is the broad management philosophy across a giant geographic area... It has left the heard decimated im many areas with pockets of lightly pressured areas striving.

Is 700,000 an unacceptable number? I don't think so.. Look at areas like here in columbus... Is the DNR trying to tell me that deer density can grow absolutely unchecked to enormous levels in residential neighborhoods... Yet in a rural area that has more woods, corn, beans, habitat, and brows yet somehow can't sustain a simple fraction of the deer found in a suburb? Or a 100% wooded area like most of Zone C in southern ohio with it's browse, oaks, and habitat, etc can't sustain a fraction of the deer that Gahanna Ohio can a heavily populated area of Columbus?

I'm with ya, man... The variations in habitat and difficulties in land access create some serious problems. That's something that needs to be worked on.

You think 700,000 is acceptable, but hunters aren't the only people that matter. Just because the carrying capacity of the land isn't maxed out doesn't mean it's alright to keep letting the herd grow. Why is it that your opinion of what the total population should be is right and someone else's opinion of what it should be is wrong? Why is it wrong to lower the statewide herd to 4 or 500,000 deer? Is it just because you want to see more deer when you hunt? Why is it that people have to see deer every time they go out in order to enjoy it? Do you catch a stringer-full of fish every time you go fishing? When you run a trap line are every one of your traps full of critters when you check them? I know I don't kill ducks every time I go duck hunting... Hell, sometimes I don't even see a duck... But I still go.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm with ya, man... The variations in habitat and difficulties in land access create some serious problems. That's something that needs to be worked on.

You think 700,000 is acceptable, but hunters aren't the only people that matter. Just because the carrying capacity of the land isn't maxed out doesn't mean it's alright to keep letting the herd grow. Why is it that your opinion of what the total population should be is right and someone else's opinion of what it should be is wrong? Why is it wrong to lower the statewide herd to 4 or 500,000 deer? Is it just because you want to see more deer when you hunt? Why is it that people have to see deer every time they go out in order to enjoy it? Do you catch a stringer-full of fish every time you go fishing? When you run a trap line are every one of your traps full of critters when you check them? I know I don't kill ducks every time I go duck hunting... Hell, sometimes I don't even see a duck... But I still go.

Agreed... Hunters are not the only people that matter.... However we aren't even being considered. Instead we're being given the run around and ignored... "I haven't heard Boo about low deer sightings" said Tonk in a press release 2 years ago.... Brock, myself, Sean and some others should have sent the emails we had with tonk only months prior to the editor for publishing..

If we the hunters are being fairly considered then ask yourself this... Would the DNR increase the population by 250,000 to 1 million for us the hunters if we asked????? Then how is it then "fair" and "considerate" to reduce them to 450,000 or below because insurance companies asked??? What are the other opposing factors that would be weighed? Car insurance.. And Crop insurance.. A corporation based on Vegas house odds for risk mitigation... They have a very profitable interest in lowering deer numbers to extinction.... Private business wins, DNR screws hunters.... Perhaps that's not even what pisses me off about it though... It's the spineless, snakes that refuse to admit to the real reasons they're doing it. Come on Tonk.. Name the insurance companies?? Nationwide... State farm? Farmers?? Come on.. I'm sure hunters would love to know whose to blame for their sport being trashed..

And nobody said I or anyone else has to see mega deer every time they go out to enjoy it... But 1 deer would be nice. Now I bet I can take you to area after area where you'll see 1 deer every three days, areas where you could once see between 7-15 a sit... 1 deer per 18 hours on a stand???? And no i din't say property.. I'll take you to one for three days, Drive 15 minutes north to another across the county and let you sit another 3 days... Then drive you an hour west and 3 counties over and do it again... I'm sure Brock has some killer stands if people want to watch squirrels for days.. What kind of hunting is that?? Hell with it... If it gets that bad statewide like it's heading to; I'll just shoot my deer meat with a rifle, and find better things to do with the 2-4 days I saved.
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Senior Member
Agreed... Hunters are not the only people that matter.... However we aren't even being considered. Instead we're being given the run around and ignored... "I haven't heard Boo about low deer sightings" said Tonk in a press release 2 years ago.... Brock, myself, Sean and some others should have sent the emails we had with tonk only months prior to the editor for publishing..

If we the hunters are being fairly considered then ask yourself this... Would the DNR increase the population by 250,000 to 1 million for us the hunters if we asked????? Then how is it then "fair" and "considerate" to reduce them to 450,000 or below because insurance companies asked??? What are the other opposing factors that would be weighed? Car insurance.. And Crop insurance.. A corporation based on Vegas house odds for risk mitigation... They have a very profitable interest in lowering deer numbers to extinction.... Private business wins, DNR screws hunters.... Perhaps that's not even what pisses me off about it though... It's the spineless, snakes that refuse to admit to the real reasons they're doing it...

And nobody said I or anyone else has to see mega deer every time they go out to enjoy it... But 1 deer would be nice. Now I bet I can take you to area after area where you'll see 1 deer every three days, areas where you could once see between 7-15 a sit... 1 deer per 18 hours on a stand???? What kind of fuggin hunting is that?? Fuck em.. If it gets that bad statewide like it's heading I'll just shoot my deer meat with a rifle in an urban area.

THe insurance companies ask for lower numbers due to insurance claims obviously. Although, I guess from that you could look at is as a safety issue. How many people are killed a year due to deer related car crashes? Im not defending the state, I am just bringing up an unthought of point.

Although, higher deer numbers would increase accidents whcich would boost economy!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
In 2010 there were 23k car/deer accidents. Down from 2009 which there were over 29k. The average repair cost was $3k rounded. It saved the insruance companies $18,000,000 by having a reduced herd if they paid for all of them.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
THe insurance companies ask for lower numbers due to insurance claims obviously. Although, I guess from that you could look at is as a safety issue. How many people are killed a year due to deer related car crashes? Im not defending the state, I am just bringing up an unthought of point.

Although, higher deer numbers would increase accidents which would boost economy!

You're funny if you think insurance companies give a damn about your well being besides how it impacts their bottom line...

And people hit Signs and poles that kill them.. Should we remove them??

And trees? Should we remove every tree within 100 yards of every road??

Oh and Ice and Snow.. How about we not wait until the storms over to plow. It has to be done every moment with salt laid down before the storm..

Oh and babies choking on pocket change... Lets make all the change too big to fit in their mouth...

Why do we still warn people about running with scissors... Fuck lets get rid of scissors..

Sure accident's happen..... Oh well.. They're an everyday occurrence.. They're an INSURANCE company... That's their freaking business... Now that we have less deer how much did your insurance go down this year? Oh.. It probably went right in their pockets didn't it...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
In 2010 there were 23k car/deer accidents. Down from 2009 which there were over 29k. The average repair cost was $3k rounded. It saved the insruance companies $18,000,000 by having a reduced herd if they paid for all of them.

I bet weather kept those cars from hitting that additional 6,000 deer....

That or the cars failed to adapt to a deers changing food source.

Maybe it was the cars forgot how to hunt deer.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
In 2010 there were 23k car/deer accidents. Down from 2009 which there were over 29k. The average repair cost was $3k rounded. It saved the insruance companies $18,000,000 by having a reduced herd if they paid for all of them.

Yes, that's true. And it also saved the general public $3,000,000 if they're only paying a $500 deductible... Not to mention the possible injuries or deaths, along with hospital bills.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I bet weather kept those cars from hitting that additional 6,000 deer....

That or the cars failed to adapt to a deers changing food source.

Maybe it was the cars forgot how to hunt deer.


No No No. Those 6k cars hit tree rats instead of deer. Hence the higher number found dead on the roadways. Geesh


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yes, that's true. And it also saved the general public $3,000,000 if they're only paying a $500 deductible... Not to mention the possible injuries or deaths, along with hospital bills.

Fuck it then.. Why do we even have deer.. They're like terrorists.. Lets kill them all. BTW.. Get rid of the other dangerous the things i mentioned too and lets issue everyone bubble suits.. Hell I wonder how many guns kill and wound people a year.. Lets ban those too. :smiley_depressive:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yes, that's true. And it also saved the general public $3,000,000 if they're only paying a $500 deductible... Not to mention the possible injuries or deaths, along with hospital bills.

And? 29k accidents in a year with only 49 deaths in 5 years where a deer was involved is small, very small when considering averages.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
51 women in OH a year die giving birth. Lets quit having kids...

Don't mean to seem insensitive but everything has a price/considerations. The amount of damage a deer does compared to other aspects of life are very small.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fuck it then.. Why do we even have deer.. They're like terrorists.. Lets kill them all. BTW.. Get rid of the other dangerous the things i mentioned too and lets issue everyone bubble suits.. Hell I wonder how many guns kill and wound people a year.. Lets ban those too. :smiley_depressive:

(in Mike Ditka voice) C'mon man!

It's a game of compromise man. The DOW is the middleman, trying to make it work for EVERYONE. I highly doubt they would intentionally "screw-over" hunters, who are the people paying the bulk of their salaries. Why was no one bitching in the early to mid-2000s whenever the DOW mentioned wanting to reduce the herd? It's never been hidden... They've been mentioning it as far back as I can remember. But now that guys are actually having to put in some effort to see and kill deer they act like they've been getting lied to all these years.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Tonk told Darron that via email.


And yes.. It could bounce back very fast if allowed to... However, it will never be allowed to... From what I've seen, I believe we would have to make zone c all zone A for a year or two in order to see 2008 numbers again..... Obviously there will be areas in C that will explode as there are pockets that are doing fine... But te majority would take a year or two.... The problem is the broad management philosophy across a giant geographic area... It has left the heard decimated im many areas with pockets of lightly pressured areas striving.

Is 700,000 an unacceptable number? I don't think so.. Look at areas like here in columbus... Is the DNR trying to tell me that deer density can grow absolutely unchecked to enormous levels in residential neighborhoods... Yet in a rural area that has more woods, corn, beans, habitat, and brows yet somehow can't sustain a simple fraction of the deer found in a suburb? Or a 100% wooded area like most of Zone C in southern ohio with it's browse, oaks, and habitat, etc can't sustain a fraction of the deer that Gahanna Ohio can a heavily populated area of Columbus?

This is my problem with the state DNR... The broad brush management of large tracks of land (Counties) instead of breaking them down or limiting the number of tags in counties that should be left alone too the 1 of either sex tags by smaller geographical areas.... It's harder too do but doable if the effort is put into it.... But it's much easier for them too broad brush it and the heard numbers decline and then you have unhappy hunters who just aren't seeing the deer that they have put out good money too harvest.... Lets face it we hunters put Billions and Billions into the economy over the years too enjoy a sport and the state is supposed too manage said heard too both keep the general populace safe and us being able too harvest them.... A balancing act that unfortunatley is tipped too the special interests and not so much us....