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What "weird" stuff have you seen?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was squirrel hunting back in the early 80's and heard leaves rustling and the noise was getting louder and louder till it was nearly on top of me. I looked up the leafy hillside to see two 5 to 6 foot Long black snakes twisted together like a long pretzel crawling at breakneck speed as the went right past me by a few feet. I think they were mating or fighting.lol

Watched many a hawk attack treerats over the years.

One time I was sitting on the ground right above a well site where years ago the dozer had pushed a pile of dirt and clay into a 5 ft. Tall man made ground blind. This sat right at the edge of a nice bowl like oak grove on the top of a nice wooded hill. I was using this mound of dirt to conceal my outline as deer like to browse for acorns in front of me. From out of nowhere on a clear bluebird late afternoon day, a long strong gust of wind picked up nearly every leafy that laid on the wooded floor in front of me as far as I could see( like it was a towel the size of football field), and the entire floor of leaf litter came rushing at me to where I just laid down against the dirt pile as the gust sent all of it right over me and straight up(like a ramp) into the air about 200 feet in the air. The leaf cloud was the size of those huge black bird clusters you see flying around sometimes. Once the gust came through it got really calm and it took nearly 5 minutes for the last few leaves to set to the ground across the road on the adjacent hillside. That is prolly the neatest experience while hunting that I've ever had....I still can't explain it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
found an old golf club leaning against a tree out in the middle of the woods once, it had been there quite awhile it was all rusted and sunk in the ground, found 2 five dollar bills laying in the woods while shed hunting, and was in a treestand at salt fork state park and had a lady come walking through the woods walking her dog, she got about 20 yards from me, stopped, looked around, took her top and bra off, wiped everything down with some wet wipes she took out of her little fanny pack, aired them out for a minute, put everything back on and went about her merry way without ever being the wiser!!

winner!!!! Lmfao!!!!


Dignitary Member
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In a tree stand a coon began climbing the tree I was sitting in. He just kept coming... I took the arrow off my bow and waited until he got somewhat close and sarted tapping the arrrow on the tree above his head. He turned and went back down. I thought for sure we was gonna fight.

I wasn't there to see it, but a few years ago my dad was in the field behind my house turkey hunting. He had the blind setup where I could actually see it if I were upstairs looking out the window. Anyway... he had two toms coming in and he tried to get turned on his stool for a shot. As he turned the he lost his balance on the stool and fell backwards against the tent wall. As he kept falling the tent collapsed over him. So he is laying under the tent in the middle of the field and can't get out (he ctually landed on the door). He had to keep kicking around until he found a window to climb up out of. He said as soon as he got out he started looking around wondering if anyone was watching from their houses. That tent just swallowed him up!


central Ohio
Cotty , Oh to be a fly on the wall for that one rotflmao eh? Doesnt fit the thread but I was sitting at the base of a tree with a new camo fleece blanket I made just for that. Thought I was so cool (er warm) when two bucks came thru late season. I tried to get up to shoot they were behind and both froze with heads behind trees but I got tangled in this small lap blanket. So I froze and positioned and took a great shot that got the buck but sent me over backwards. Flipping my safety and dropping my shotgun so I could stop rolling down the hill. Nobody saw me I thought. Then I get up to the cabin (which was up behind the deer) I had to be careful I didnt shoot at the cabin earlier and one of the hunters young daughters was in there rolling in tears laughing all alone watching tv in the easy chair. I looked at the tv and said whats so funny and she said nothing there the movie out the back window of a dinwit deer hunter in a blankie was way funnier. :redface: Nice part the buck was at the top of the hill less than 100 feet from the cabin when he dropped:smiley_arrogant:


Staff member
I've had coons climb in the tree I was in before as well. I've seen a couple squirrels fall out of trees. I had a flying squirrel in a dead tree behind me one time and I tried to coax it out of the tree with my arrow. When it ran out of the hole, it ran halfway up my arrow before jumping off. Scared the shit clean outta both of us!

I just missed filming an owl hammer a monster red squirrel one afternoon on a bowhunt. I was filming the squirrel, then shut the camera off and threw it back in my pack. When I turned around, the owl was 5' off the ground and hammered that squirrel! He'd been on a branch above our heads the whole time and neither one of us knew it! He dropped straight in on that thing and mangled it in no time flat!!! Still pisses me off that I missed it by 10 seconds!!!

One year behind my parents place, I had a 1.5 year old buck and a cat that ran together for a couple weeks. Every time I saw the buck, the cat was 20 yards behind him and would follow the buck wherever he went. Still one of the strangest damn things I've ever seen...

I killed a baby copperhead one year that was in the crotch of a tree I was in. One whack from a Muzzy 3-Blade to the noggin did him in!!!


Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
Last year I was shed hunting and almost tripped over this mysterious object.......

(Note: binoculars are for size reference only and I did not touch it.)

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central Ohio
Its funny when you surprise animals like that - they dont know how to act. I had two "stranger" dogs com under my stand and then move to my pasture to chase the horses this year. I got down real quick and they came runnin happily back around after there shennanigans to the path to see the "creature" (in my leafy suit) whom they couldnt smell much of standing there. It totally freaked them out and the one barked and growled at me and they got separated and ran around all panicked looking for each others security before leaving and never seen them again!! HA!


Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
While putting out a trail camera this summer I saw this groundhog in the middle of the creek sitting on a log, and he was completely surrounded by water.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I watched a grey squirrel once cover a distance of nearly 50 yards by jumping from small tree to small tree( most 3 to 8" dia. Size) like he was playing a game. All of these jumps were within a few feet from the ground and the trees were 5 to 8 feet apart. It was like the game he was playing was, I have to get back to the nest via tree trunk leaps without falling in the shark infested waters.Lmao
After he finally missed a tree 50plus yards later he hit the ground arunning and scurried up the nearest tree as if a Mako was on his ass.

Whew! That was close!lol


Well-Known Member
Dude running from the police passed under my stand. I could hear their cars as well as their radios, but never saw the LEOs come up the ridge.


Staff member
I watched a house cat sized red squirrel come from behind my stand one night and walk along the ground for 100+ yards to get to a standing corn field. He came back through an hour later with a whole cob of corn. I watched him for a half hour chew off some corn and hide it in various spots around this location, then he buried the whole cob and went back to where he came from. It was an easy 1/8 mile round trip for him. The next morning I went back to the same stand and he showed up around 9AM to uncover the cob and drag it the rest of the way back to this nest. I almost shot him for a mount, but was so impressed with how industrious he was, I let him go. He was the Brock Lesnar of fox squirrels!!!


Senior Member
Can't think of many right now. Had three tom turkeys take a nap on a log about 30 yards in front of my treestand..Two of them woke up, the third stayed resting, one of the awake birds went over to it and beat the chit out of it to wake it up...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Here's that video diablo was talking about..we were standing in a cow pasture up on a hill looking over a revine making some calls. We heard a few toms way off, but nothing close. All of the suddon we heard this loud squawking noise..im pretty sure it wasnt a hawk or eagle or anything. It was enough to freak us out though! Any ideas on what it was?



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fart, screech, scared boys. Priceless. I cracked up and had to watch it again. My favorite line was "that's creepy, let's get outta here. Okay, let's go!"

I give credit on the fart though. Pretty good one. My guess is Diablo was the one tooting his horn?


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
The weirdest thing I saw this year was a guy puke from his tree stand to only shoot a doe at 20 yds an hour later. :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
I shot a Turkey once and soon as he went down.....The smallest jake in the group came over and started stomping my dead bird. Was almost like "OK Fugger, This is for what you did to me last wednesday!"


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Fart, screech, scared boys. Priceless. I cracked up and had to watch it again. My favorite line was "that's creepy, let's get outta here. Okay, let's go!"

I give credit on the fart though. Pretty good one. My guess is Diablo was the one tooting his horn?

Fat kids are always gasous..