No pictures tonight. Hard to show much difference in coats of drywall. I have been busy the last couple of weeks, but working on the room off and on. I should have the second coat of mud completely finished tomorrow and working on the third coat in some places.
Good news! Talked to a buddy while on my way to buy some more mud tonight. Asked me how the project was going. Told him I was hoping to be painting by the weekend and was going to price trim while at the store tonight. He said not to worry about the trim. Claims he has tons of it in his shop that hasn't been touched and probably won't get used in the near future. He told me to stop over and take what I needed! I asked him what he wanted for it. He laughed. "I need it to get used somewhere. It isn't doing me any good. If it saves you a couple hundred bucks, I am glad to have helped."
You know, there are "friends" and then there are "true friends." I don't consider this guy a "true friend" because he offered me some free trim, but it sure is nice to know there are good people out there still. When I told him we were bringing in my wife's nephew, Geoffrey, he said "If there is anything I can do to help out, just let me know." I guess he meant it. haha Maybe I should have posted this in the "TOO good" thread?