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Camp Rex?


Staff member
Well to listen to Rexy, the Coon, and the Creamer tell it, they have more deer in Athens County than the rest of the state combined. So this group of hooligans should have no impact on things!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
This is going to be a blast, fellas.

So we are going to set a tenative date of October 20ish?

We need to be mindful of temperatures.. I have a feeling we're going to have a bunch of meat to care for.. Personally I would like to see them on meat poles. Like back in the old days we can take a B&W group photo of everyone in front of a loaded meat pole..
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man, with all you guys hunting down there it is bound to raise the athens deer harvest atleast 20 or 30 for the year

Maybe, but it's not going to hurt anything.. Hunter density in a small area doesn't lower a population.. My DNR told me so... Coon, Rex, and Mtneer said there was plenty there.. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If I end up making this trip, I really don't care if I even hunt. Sounds like one heckuva good time. I want to see Mrex with a beer in his hand. I have this feeling he is more on our side than he lets on while typing. I can see Mike right now "Boys, head back to the house. You have deer to hunt in the morning. Tell your mother I am getting a headstart on the camp ground restrooms. I will see her in the morning. Joe- What did you call this drink again? Applie pie? Man, it DOES taste like apple pie! Why are my lips numb?" lmao


Staff member
I can bring the Apple Pie. No worries there! :smiley_clap:

I don't plan on hunting mornings anyways. My plan is to walk around about 10 AM and drive deer to everyone on stand! :smiley_crocodile:


Participation Trophy Winner
I could be in for this trip. Too far out for me to be able to plan, depends on the kids sports. It sounds like it will be a blast.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If I end up making this trip, I really don't care if I even hunt. Sounds like one heckuva good time. I want to see Mrex with a beer in his hand. I have this feeling he is more on our side than he lets on while typing. I can see Mike right now "Boys, head back to the house. You have deer to hunt in the morning. Tell your mother I am getting a headstart on the camp ground restrooms. I will see her in the morning. Joe- What did you call this drink again? Applie pie? Man, it DOES taste like apple pie! Why are my lips numb?" lmao

I think I know what Apple Pie is Brother..

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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I just got off the phone with Mike...I mean deercamp(mr). We are going to have a great time, regardless of deer. I think we look at it for what it is - a good time mixed in with a little deer hunting. The cabin availability is questionable at this point, something Mike is going to have to check with his boss on. Having said that, if anyone is interested and they are available, we need to get them booked asap.

I think for those of you that are hesitant at this point because it is a ways off, you had better just mark it on your calendar and put off whatever else you may have going on that weekend...I'm pretty certain it won't be as fun as hunting with this group in Athens!

I like to scout and find my own little spots to wait for deer, and hope to find the time to get down there soon. Some of you may not be able to pull that off, but like the legendary Coon, Mike probably knows the area as well as anyone and said he is willing to point folks in the right direction. Personally, I think that is a very generous offer, and you'd be a fool not to accept!

Who's all in?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm 100% in. No doubts in my mind that it will be a great time, hunting or no hunting!

Do we ever really hunt anything but more beers in the cooler? lol I mean, we dress the part and all but I think that entire weekend we might have spent a combined 4 hours in a stand.. lol


Staff member
Do we ever really hunt anything but more beers in the cooler? lol I mean, we dress the part and all but I think that entire weekend we might have spent a combined 4 hours in a stand.. lol

Ain't that the truth! I tried a revolutionary new tactic called "chumming" and it almost worked!!! :smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
The weekend of the 20th is my youngest B-day. Well, I told my wife that she is having a big girl party and couple friends are going to be staying the night and no boys allowed ;)

I'll be there! We can get a supply list going and that will help...later.