Baa Haa Haa, good one Hicks!! I need to try and top that one but it will be tuff!! rotflmao
LOL, it's all good Hicks, I thought it was funny as hell! I am just trying to figure out how to top it. :smiley_chinrub:
And last, (and certainly least), this is the ugliest bitch I have ever seen holding a fish. lmao
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BBT...... I love that show, the wife and I just discovered it recently rotflmao
I watch it every week.. funny as hell.
Big Bang Theory is about the only thing I watch on a consistent basis anymore, funny shit for sure! Even funnier, is the fact that in my line of work, I know some folk that would fit in with that group just fine! :smiley_crocodile:
LMAO Joe... are you insinuating that you could sit down and talk with guys like that for hours??.... :smiley_clap:
My wife makes fun of me all the time, saying you can be a nerd like that sometimes to when you go on your rants about technology.
Yeah.. Anything from technology, US history, WWII, The quest for Absolute Zero, Civil War, How not to finish a deer with a 4 cell MagLight.. My mind is like a plethora of garbled stuff. . lol
So... If I was traveling at the speed of light in my car and turned on my headlights, what would happen???
(would they just glow or project light...)
Woooooa... Thanks Joe...I though they would glow but not project.
So OK. Umm...
One last question.
What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?