You're fuggin killing me...I'll send you another one...
No man, you are fuggin' killing me! :smiley_crocodile:
What is the ID? When I click on the link the ID doesn't fill in automatically.
What he said...
You're fuggin killing me...I'll send you another one...
What is the ID? When I click on the link the ID doesn't fill in automatically.
No man, you are fuggin' killing me! :smiley_crocodile:
What he said...
If you have never created a user profile with CBS sports, you will have to register first and login. Once you login you can click on Huck's link and it should take you directly to the Bracket.
Final Four: Kentucky - Michigan State - Ohio State - North Carolina
Kentucky over NC 64-61
I homered a little with OSU because I believe Syracuse will come out of that bracket, but I'm a homer like that! I have two 12 seeds winning over 5 seeds, but the big upset is #13 OU over #4 Michigan! I'm not alone on that either. Michigan lives and dies with the 3 and OU is a Top-15 team in 3-point defense...
Lmao....cute "couples" email account....
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
What if I already have an account on there? What do i to to find the TOO bracket?