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I'm waving the white Flag


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I thought for sure this morning was going to be THE morning. Got out to the truck and it was frosted over so I started it up and the temp read 34 :D. Frost was being melted from the windshield as I was smoking up. The deer should have been moving with such cool temps. Get into my stand well before sunrise and everything was going good. Sun starts to come up I look out into a cut bean field....what's that...A fucking yote running across. Motherfucker. He had just come out of the section of the woods the deer would have come out of. Hmmm. Sit there a little bit longer thinking " Well it's still fairly early maybe he didn't scare or run the deer out of there "
Gets to be about 8 o' clock and I hear BANG, BANG, BANG!!!!! 8:30 BANG,BANG,BANG,BANG!!!! Damn squirrel hunters had come in on the backside of the property using 12ga. Son of bitch. I can't get a break for fuckin nothing this year. I quit !!!!!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow, sorry to hear of your misfortune. Some people can be so inconsiderate..... So just take a break and step back and review what's been going on take a deep breath and then get your sorry ass back up into that friggin tree stand and hunt!!!!! Suck it up Nancy..... That my friend is my attempt at tough love hahahahaha.... Did it work????


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I just know as soon as I get back out there and get all setup the guy leasing the field is going to come in to pick the corn field that run right beside my stand. I think I will just go take a nap instead of going back out.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I just know as soon as I get back out there and get all setup the guy leasing the field is going to come in to pick the corn field that run right beside my stand. I think I will just go take a nap instead of going back out.

Been there done that... Two ways of looking at that. One- it screws everything up... Two- create an enviroment to move the deer out of the field and into the woods... I like to think the second way lol. But I've had that happen to me a couple of times and it happened last night, what are the chances right??? Well good luck with what ever you decide..


Senior Member
These frustrating trips out make the successful ones more sweeter. Keep at it buddy and you will whack one...or start harpooning yotes.

(And I think I speak for myself and TF and others when I say - value every trip out, not all of us get to hunt that much!)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We've all had years where it seems everything goes wrong. I had one two years ago. My buddy had his last year. He had everything from wild dogs to quads ruin his hunts.
Just stick with it. In a week these fair weather hunters will be done and your luck will change.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I called Dante from my tree stand late this afternoon early evening. I just had to bitch to somebody lol. That motherfucker showed up at 4:30 to pick corn. Luckily I had a feeling my day was going to go that way. I had setup my climber at the end of the cornfield expecting he would show up to pick. 2:30 BANG BANG BANG. that damn squirrel hunter is still back there. I bet that guy shot a box of shells since 8-8:30 this morning. another couple hours goes buy and at 4:30...here comes the combine..grrrrr. Op there goes a doe out of the field running full tilt right under me lol. No shots at that one. No more then the combine makes the turn at the end of the field and I hear the tree rat guy pop off another shot. Oh but now the guy has moved and I know he is now on the city property hunting now :D WOOPS sucks to be him lol.

Finally at 6:30 the guy finishes the cornfield and the doe wonders back out in the field. She was a little on the small side so I didn't want to shoot her and it was a good thing I didn't. About 10 min. of her walking back and forth in the field another doe starts heading to the field. Turns out it is her fawn. Soon as the little one hit the field edge and seen it's mom it ran full speed over to her, smacked it's mouth on a tit and slammed it's head up to get the milk going and had a good drink after a long run from the CORN MONSTER lol.

Might have been a shit day that I don't care to replay something cool came out of it.

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