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Tic or skeeters ?

What one will be the worst ?

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*Supporting Member*
Jackson County
As many as you all know, I have been shed hunting a bit this year. Everytime I come home, I have pulled at least 4-10 ticks off of myself. Not to mention while I am in the field stopping every few minutes to pick them off my clothes. I have at minimum 50 ticks on me that I pick off each time I go out, turkey season is going to be terrible. I did find some spray at cabelas that I have heard rave reviews about called Sawyer, you arent supposed to spray it on your skin but it lasts on your clothing for up to 6 washings and repels and KILLS ticks and chiggers. Just got it in the mail yesterday.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
As many as you all know, I have been shed hunting a bit this year. Everytime I come home, I have pulled at least 4-10 ticks off of myself. Not to mention while I am in the field stopping every few minutes to pick them off my clothes. I have at minimum 50 ticks on me that I pick off each time I go out, turkey season is going to be terrible. I did find some spray at cabelas that I have heard rave reviews about called Sawyer, you arent supposed to spray it on your skin but it lasts on your clothing for up to 6 washings and repels and KILLS ticks and chiggers. Just got it in the mail yesterday.

Dang. That's a lot of ticks. I hope the spray works. Keep us posted as to how effective it is. Might be worth trying this year.


Senior Member
NE Ohio
They describe Brewer's Yeast tablets as "Brewer's yeast, the yeast left over from beer making, has many health benefits. One use has traditionally been to repel fleas and ticks. Though there is little scientific evidence to prove that this works, the idea behind it is sound: brewer's yeast raises the acidity of blood, which repels ticks and fleas. Apple cider vinegar works on the same principle."

Hell I figure if that is the case and I homebrew my beer and drink it every week then ticks should hate me TOO! Cheers, I'm going to drink one of my beers now!!! :smiley_adfundum:


Well-Known Member
I've only been in ticks real bad once or twice over the years, but the mosquitos are relentless. I did buy a thermacell last week, so I hope I'm prepared.