Awesome pics Jim! Looks like you and the mrs. Had a great time! Congrats on the fowl ball. Lol
Only you, Jim, could catch a fowl ball instead of a foul ball...something other than baseball on your mind?
I showed the picture to my wife. She said "What is a fowl ball? That isn't how you spell it is it?" I said "Nah. But JB is a waterfowl hunter. Probably looks right to him." lmao
Baaaaaahahahaaaa lmao I'm dying laughing right now... I totally did not notice that I did that. I must be thinking about North Dakota too much. Oh man... thanks for the laugh guys.
I must be thinking about North Dakota too much.
Nice pics Jim!! Those seats look sweet. When are you heading to NoDak? It looks like we're gonna be going out in early October this fall. I'm getting pumped!
What's Good here? All kinds of stuff... we're planning a family vacation to surprise the kids, I'm helping coach my son's soccer team, my daughter still looks to me like I'm a hero. I appreciate all the little things in life.
I'll be hunting out there from November 3rd to the 10th. I am really looking forward to this trip!
in the middle of the rut???FTW!!
i been trying to get this through some peoples skulls...may NEVER see this in your lifetime again...13 coarse. Just got the bank preapproval done so that's good. Ready to buy at 3.9% for 30 years. Never have a need to refinance.
i been trying to get this through some peoples skulls...may NEVER see this in your lifetime again...
i been trying to get this through some peoples skulls...may NEVER see this in your lifetime again...
Or lower prices...