Great gun! The only down fall it had for me was being to heavy for comfortable pocket carry.
Yeah I like it, but he won't come off it
Great gun! The only down fall it had for me was being to heavy for comfortable pocket carry.
Ruger sp101 is a good revolver carry. Dad has one in 9mm and carries it most if the time...
Nice purchase. Would you mind posting the height and width of this pistol. S&W doesn't list it on their site. I'm looking for a CCW for my GF. I get a $50 rebate on all S&W pistols and the pricing on these models is already pretty good to begin with. Ive always liked the M&P.
Smith is coming out with a single stack version 9mm tomorrow. The XD is available in a single stack 45 and 9 coming soon if size is an issue for you TL. I will be getting the XDS 9mm when it comes out.
That Shield looks awesome...wonder how the slimmed version shoots