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Plantings? Foodplots!!


*Supporting Member*
As many of you know I work for a foodplotting company, and I love talking about plots. What do you all put in?

Please answer with bullets...

1. General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West)
2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes
3. Size of plots
4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes)
5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones
6. Do you fertilize
7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!)

Thought this could be a fun thread! Feel free to add more numbers!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio.

Generally agricultural area with small wood lots.

Legumes, brassica, oats, beans, corn, you name it.

Plots from the size of your living room to farm fields 10-15acres.

Equipment- ATV's generally as pack mules or for spraying. Small tractors 30hp to 150hp tractors. Have also used skid loaders to prep the soil. Dozers/excavators when needed.

herbicides- Usually just RoundUp or similar generics. 41%glyphosphate. Have also used woody herbicides with great success. Wish the name wasn't escaping me right now, but not going out to the barn to look at it. haha

Fertilizer is generally 6-24-24.

Soil tests on occasion, but not always.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
As many of you know I work for a foodplotting company, and I love talking about plots. What do you all put in?

Please answer with bullets...

1. General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West) Anywhere I can find some open space near a pinch point.
2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes I like annuals... brassicas, oats, rye. I will sometimes throw down some red clover, though.
3. Size of plots My plots are usually less than 3/4 of an acre.
4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes) A combination of tractor and atv... tractor to turn ground, atv to cover seed.
5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones Currently, no. If I had more money to put towards it, maybe I'd consider herbicides.
6. Do you fertilize Sometimes... Again, this is dependent on the money situation.
7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!) Not usually. I probably should, but I've had decent results without doing it so far.

Thought this could be a fun thread! Feel free to add more numbers!

See responses above in bold.


Tatonka guide.
As many of you know I work for a foodplotting company, and I love talking about plots. What do you all put in?

Please answer with bullets...

1. General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West) South East
2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes Corn, beans, clover, turnips, sunflowers, brassica's, winter wheat, oats,
3. Size of plots 5 acres down to 1/8th
4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes) tractors
5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones - yes. roundup , slay and poast
6. Do you fertilize yes 3 times a year at minimum
7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!) No..don't need it

Thought this could be a fun thread! Feel free to add more numbers!

There you go


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
1. General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West) Central OH
2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes Just clover this year
3. Size of plots 1/4 acre size plots
4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes) Usually ATV/ Small Tractor..... this year was a walk behind tiller
5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones Not this year, moneys tight
6. Do you fertilize Yea
7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!) Didnt this year but will next to see how much lime has made a difference since last years test


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Must be getting old or just plain dumb. I can't believe I forgot the name of the woody herbicide I have been using with great success.

CROSSBOW. How can a hunter forget a name like that? Doh!


*Supporting Member*
General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West) SE Ohio, Noble County
2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes I have played around with clover, light brassicas, and oats, this year I am planting some mixes of beans, turnpis, brassica mixes, clovers
3. Size of plots 1/4 acre size plots to about 1and 1/4 acre plots
4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes) for me it is all UTV and Hand, ya i get my moneys and times worth hahha
5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones Yes, I plan to spray next weekend.
6. Do you fertilize I have not this year and plots are growing great so I might skip out on it this year.
7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!) [B I do every year and I use mossy oak labs, they are only 7.50 for a test, and you get your results via email in 3 days.


Staff member
1. General location of property(Ag area, North, South, East, West)

SE Ohio - Washington County

2. Legumes, Brassicas, mixes

Mixes. I've tried it all and nothing has become a tried and true favorite just yet...

3. Size of plots

Small kill plots. My biggest is 1/4 acre.

4. What do yo use for your plots (tractors,atvs,rakes)

Tractors, ATVs, and man power. I've put more food plots in using a weedeater and rake than I care to count...

5. Do you spray herbicides, if so which ones


6. Do you fertilize

Yep. Mostly 13-13-13.

7 Do you soil test? (I hope so!)

Not all the time. I got turned off on it after a HUGE fall out with Mossy Oak. I will this year as I am establishing new plots...


*Supporting Member*
you know jesse, I think that is one thing I find frusturating, but there are just so many variables. I cant seem to find any one product that the deer just love! I hear turnips other guys say they suck! HAHA guess I just gotta try it!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
you know jesse, I think that is one thing I find frusturating, but there are just so many variables. I cant seem to find any one product that the deer just love! I hear turnips other guys say they suck! HAHA guess I just gotta try it!

They are definitely unique critters, that's for sure. I can say this, though... I've never heard of a deer that wouldn't eat buck forage oats.


*Supporting Member*
I heard the secrete is apple pie, with ice cream on top! I heard they eat that all up!

No joke tho, I have been reading a lot on oats, turnips, austrian winter peas, and beats.


Tatonka guide.
I heard the secrete is apple pie, with ice cream on top! I heard they eat that all up!

No joke tho, I have been reading a lot on oats, turnips, austrian winter peas, and beats.
I've planted them all but beets. deer still like acorns though.


Staff member
You'll never compete with acorns. Even with the golden variety readily available. Over the years I have seen it time and time again. Deer will hammer the corn up to the point the acorns start to fall, then they vanish. Give them 2-3 weeks and they are back at the corn. If a man could sell acorns by the 50# for the same price as corn, he could make a killing and fill his trophy wall!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You'll never compete with acorns. Even with the golden variety readily available. Over the years I have seen it time and time again. Deer will hammer the corn up to the point the acorns start to fall, then they vanish. Give them 2-3 weeks and they are back at the corn. If a man could sell acorns by the 50# for the same price as corn, he could make a killing and fill his trophy wall!!!

You ain't kiddin! A couple years back, I gathered up a 40 gallon barrel's worth of acorns that had fallen in my grandparents' front yard. I trucked 'em down to Carroll County and piled them in front of an old ladder stand in the middle of a 15 acre hay field. The plan was for my brother to come down and shoot his first deer over the pile. Well I made it down there for the weekend, but my brother didn't. I hunted in a fencerow about 100 yds away from the pile. Three days in a row, I watched two (2) 140 class bucks come out of the holler a full hour before sunset and go straight to that pile. I just couldn't bring myself to hunt over it. Instead, I sat there and watched deer after deer hammer those acorns. At one point I counted 9 deer over it, all well before sunset, and 6 of them were bucks!


*Supporting Member*
JBrown, just curious was this two years ago?

The fist year I owned my farm the acorn crop was so thick you could almost skate over top of them through the woods.