That's right, killing a coyote fair and square is a big deal. I think I'm fairly sneaky in the woods. I've killed my share of trophy bucks. Rarely do I even see a coyote let alone have a chance to kill one. I had one sniffin my turkey decoy this year and I let it walk because several years ago I killed a nursing female in turkey season. So if I can't use the hide I don't kill it. The yotes are here to stay. Yeah I miss the groundhogs and foxes but there is a new sheriff in town. Knock one off if you get the chance but it's not going to change the big picture much. The females compensate by having more pups. So I guess look at the bright side and it's something else to hunt. As far as deer dwindling, I don't know about that. I guess look at the kill numbers. I see plenty of deer on my place but I manage it for wildlife and coyotes howl here all the time. If the kill numbers are holding or growing then maybe ole wiley coyote isn't the demon from Hell he's made out to be.
Unless you've been under a rock for the past 4 or 5 years, it should be obvious that this ISN'T what's been occurring in Ohio.