Wanted to check and see when everyone is hanging there sets this year or maybe you already have?Ive been so busy i haven't been able to hang and trim yet this year and i done want to do it to late so the deer get use to it before the opener...
On my list of things to finish. Problem is my priorities keep getting re-prioritized. I am so slammed right now I should not even be commenting on this thread. I just needed to clear my mind for a minute. lol
I have 2 stands that are still up from last year. I'll only move them if necessary. I have 3 others in the basement that may or may not go into service plus my climber. The deer patterns change TOO much in most of the places I hunt to get stands out this early.
I have some stands up still which need to be tweaked. Ill get to moving stuff here soon. I need to check my cams this weekend to prove to myself that I need to make the move or not.
I primarilly hunt from a climber but I do have a couple permanet stands. Both are already in place. I do have a couple lanes to cut on one of them but otherwise, they are done. I am hoping to put together a few bucks to get another hang on though, Got a tasty spot all figured out.
I've already put alot of work in trimming lanes and screwing in steps. Still have alot more to do but the heat and other responsibilities keep me locked down. I need to find time in the next few weeks though.
I have one property I would love to hang 3-4 stands. I keep putting it off because there are so many trees which work for a climber or Millenium setup I know I am good to go if I don't hang any. Shame on me. Then again, saves money. I really should hang a few cheap hang on stands though and some screw in steps. Then I only have to carry my bow and a couple LW sticks for the bottom two sections.
I'll spend August hanging stands. I'd like to be done already, but I've been TOO busy with playing and coaching baseball, and getting ready for the baby. I'll be done with all that soon and it'll give me most of August to focus on it...