So who has had the stones to click on Badgers Avaitar to see him naked? Not me that is for sure!!! :smiley_armscrossed:
I went to then I figured it would link to me that I was gay ;P
LMAO, same here Beentown. Figured I would get gay Spam. Dang.
i have a click counter installed, i know who you 17 guys are. Some of you have clicked more than once!
I have a click counter installed, I know who you 17 guys are. Some of you have clicked more than once!
If you click to view someones avatar it goes to their profile page.
If you click to view someones avatar it goes to their profile page.
If you click to view someones avatar it goes to their profile page.
If you click to view someones avatar it goes to their profile page.
LOL, I know, been around for a while, think I got the in's and outs of this site, lol. Was just amking a joke.
You were one of the repeat clickers! :smiley_crazy:
Dang up to 36 since I left to hunt.