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TOO 2012 Waterfowl Kill Thread


*Supporting Member*
Got Skunked last nite. Only thing I can figure is the birds fed real late into the day yesterday with it bein a wet day and didn't wanna feed last evening.

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Got the goose decoys all setup at the farm. I can kill geese regularly here in the winter when there is snow, but I have never tried it in early season. Hopefully I will get a couple groups to look my way!

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*Supporting Member*
Killed a 7 man limit this morning out of 3 flocks! I normally hate hunting that many guys but there was another group who can hunt a little alfalfa patch next to the hot field. We figured one setup would be better so we joined forces . Turned out pretty good.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Very cool stuff fellas. I am going to have to give this a try sometime. Probably once the kids are out of the house and I cam afford it. :p


*Supporting Member*
Teamed up with Jbrown and Kaiser tonight for a hunt. Wouldn't ya know it, every night I have checked this spot there is 100ish geese there. Heck, I watched em there last night fly in at 630... Tonight it was slim pickings but we left no witnesses. 5 geese seen, 5 geese reduced to possession.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Teamed up with Jbrown and Kaiser tonight for a hunt. Wouldn't ya know it, every night I have checked this spot there is 100ish geese there. Heck, I watched em there last night fly in at 630... Tonight it was slim pickings but we left no witnesses. 5 geese seen, 5 geese reduced to possession.

Here's some iKam-Extreme video footage from this evening's hunt...

These 3 geese landed just a little bit short of the shooting hole, all the way on the right which was closest to my blind. As you can see, I typically don't discriminate between flying geese and walking geese. lol



*Supporting Member*
Jbrown, I am a couple other buddies got a 4 man limit this morning . Birds didn't work great but wemanaged.


*Supporting Member*
Well, today didn't go as well. Hunted a field this morning Jbrown had found yesterday that had a buncha birds. Well, today was a different story. Hafed a single in early that got killed and had one flock work us but not like us. Picked up and Gary and I moved to a midday loafing pond. We waited till 1130 when 100 birds showed in mass. I got one and knocked one down. Gary had a wad of raffia grass hanging on the end of his barrel when he came out of the blind and he sailed one bird....pretty low result for the time and effort we put in.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, today didn't go as well. Hunted a field this morning Jbrown had found yesterday that had a buncha birds. Well, today was a different story. Hafed a single in early that got killed and had one flock work us but not like us. Picked up and Gary and I moved to a midday loafing pond. We waited till 1130 when 100 birds showed in mass. I got one and knocked one down. Gary had a wad of raffia grass hanging on the end of his barrel when he came out of the blind and he sailed one bird....pretty low result for the time and effort we put in.

In summary, today pretty much sucked...


matt hougan

Junior Member
Dayton area
Never seen that before Matt, cool stuff.

Thanks, it's an old style of hunting called body booting. It's more commonly seen at St Clair and the Eastern shore. It's particularly effective on divers.

The silhouettes I made from foam and burlap, a departure from more traditional plywood. Althiugh the rebar pounded in the lake bed was a failure the geese didn't seem to mind the gigantic birds. I am now looking for four old steel swivel seat bar stools....