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Buck of a Lifetime?


Well-Known Member
Most of you know the story of my buck of a lifetime.

I had one other encounter with a buck that may have been bigger, but it happened so fast I'll never know for sure. I think it was the gun opener of 2004. I had a large lease just south of I 70 in Belmont County. After hunting all moring down in a small wooded section on a piece of reclaimed strip mine, I headed back to the truck on my quad. I pulled up to my truck hopped off and decided I'd check this small thicket about 50 yards from my truck. After not seeing anything, I let my guard down slung my gun over my shoulder and turned to go back to the truck. All of a sudden I hear this explosion of noise behind me. As I turn around I see a doe and an enormous buck bust out of the multiflor rose and run straight away from me through the pasture. I had my gun on him but no ethical shot. I prayed for him to stop and look back, but it never happened. He ran until he hit the woodline. I never saw him again. He was huge, but I only saw him for maybe 20 seconds as he covered about 300 yards of pasture.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Most of you know the story of my buck of a lifetime.

I had one other encounter with a buck that may have been bigger, but it happened so fast I'll never know for sure.

Good point Schu. You have "Buck of a Lifetime", then there is "The biggest buck you have seen on stand". Someone's "Buck of a Lifetime" could be 90" and another person's could be 200 depending on the story to go with it. My Buck of Lifetime was one I was hunting.
However, biggest buck from stand I saw was 2-300yds away two years ago. It was bow season and he never got closer than 100yds. Even during muzzle loader season I wouldn't have had a shot thru the trees. However, that may have been the biggest buck I have ever seen from the stand. You know when they are 2-300yds out in the field and you look at them without binoculars thinking "HOLY COW! That is a PIG!". . . . it is one big deer. No idea where he came from. Never saw him again. No trail camera pictures. No idea what he would score. I do know the area has offered a decent amount of sightings from the stand and pictures of 120-140" deer. Just not gotten a shot opportunity at any "shooters" on this property. What I know about this deer? He was CLEARLY bigger than those 120-140" deer. lol