Not cool. Hate it when I bump a doe this close to the season. Would hate to jump one like that.
I have three torches laying around in various places. If I can't find one, I know I can find one of the other two! LOL
Every one I see under $5 at garage sales I snag. I have 3 myself!
Just tired of people. I feel like a Vulcan in this emotional, hurt vagina world. No one uses logic for decisions it is what feels good. I swear half the people I run into are semi-retarded.
Not only are we WAY TOO emotional as a society but we have also placed ourselves above others on every facet of life. Me, Me, Me, Me, Me!
I need to get in a good fight or kill something and eat it!
People are being born without wisdom teeth (me), pinky toes, apppendices, tonsils and other things we don't use. I wonder if in 50 years most males will still be born with balls?
Just tired of people. I feel like a Vulcan in this emotional, hurt vagina world. No one uses logic for decisions it is what feels good. I swear half the people I run into are semi-retarded.
Not only are we WAY TOO emotional as a society but we have also placed ourselves above others on every facet of life. Me, Me, Me, Me, Me!
I need to get in a good fight or kill something and eat it!
People are being born without wisdom teeth (me), pinky toes, apppendices, tonsils and other things we don't use. I wonder if in 50 years most males will still be born with balls?
Strange. I never had wisdom teeth. My mom didn't either. From what I hear it's pretty rare.
Rare to have or not have wisdom teeth? I believe it is still rare to not have them but becoming more regular. Read a thing in a sci rag mag that said people born with out pinky toes is way up and climbing every year.
Weird. I had 5 wisdom teeth. Guess that makes me a smart ass. lmao
Dump: Had my bow on the sling. Was swapping camera cards. Had an arrow nocked. Bow fell off sling when I leaned over to pick something up and broke an arrow. If I am going to break an arrow, please let it be in a deer! hahah
Um. . . no. Just in my jaw with the others. lol