I have no problem with the youth gun season in principal. If there were not so many lawless unethical adults trying to play it to their benefit it would be a great success for all involved. Overall I still like the idea and support it, just some of the adults piss me off, not the kids.
It really isn't fair to say that your grandkids can't MZ hunt without missing school. The season opens on a Saturday. There are 13 days of statewide gun seasons for adults, with 6 of those days being weekend days. There are 15 days of statewide gun seasons for youths with 8 of those days being weekend days.
We do gunshows almost every weekend during the hunting season. The grandkids work the shows and love the cash. I am at the Lima show every year the last 3 days of the 1st week of the gun season so bascily only can hunt Mon-Thurs. Then maybe I will be at a show on the split weekend too. So Thanksgiving weekend would be great for me. Then they moved ML back into January when it can be colder than whatever.
So you see the sasons as they are not aren't very good for me.
Thanks guys for not tearing me up on my post. I get heated up at times and nothing was pointed at anyone. I get so pissed when I read some of the Letters to the Editor when my brother brings me copies of his paper Ohio News I think it is.
Most of these near minded guys are only thinking of themselves in protesting all the special hunts should be stopped so it doesn't interfer with their hunting. Really.
As for the Youth Hunt I for one can't really understand how a parent, grandparent, or hunting mentor would teach a Youth how to cheat,lie and basicly steal a deer when not properly done during youth Season.
Reminds me of my son doing a gunshow in Louisville, KY about 18 yrs ago. He had a 31.00 item come out stolen. Then 10 minutes later the thief came back and stole the box for it. He runs down the aisle and catchs the 2 guys and a 10 yr old son. They offer him the 31.00 and keep the item and a extra 100.00 to forget it. No he pressed charges, the kid is crying as his dad is led away in handcuffs. The thief was a Teamster Union Truckdriver and lost his job. We always thought thats tough.