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Buck down....fence kill


*Supporting Member*
Yesterday at work I witnessed something that I had only heard about. I was running around gauging wells on our Polaris Ranger. While coming down a lease rd in the woods a small buck busts out of heavy cover on my right and crosses in front of me hauling ass. I watch him running and about 30 yds on the other side of the rd I see him flip and hit the ground. I sit there thinking Wtf but quickly go to investigate. I find him with his face buried in a old section of fallen down fence grown into a big ol hickory tree. I was hoping he was just stunned so I untangle his rack and stand back. After several minute it becomes apparent he is not gonna survive and after several minutes of labored breathing he shudders and dies. I call the landowner who says take it if I want so i place a call to the county WO to get a tag. After waiting for several hours I call the district office and am told he is on duty and I should hear from him. Long story short the nonhunting landowner stepped up and landowner tagged the deer so i could gut it and give it to someone instead of leaving it to rot. I have yet to hear from any dnr personnel.
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*Supporting Member*


*Supporting Member*
I would have to guess it broke its neck. Its possible it fractured its skull tho. There was some blood coming out of one of its ears.


Senior Member
Very sad, but at least the meat is going to good use and it wasn't all for nothing. It looks to me like a pretty good sized body. It's a shame that the DNR people aren't better about getting back with ya. You're not the first person I have heard say that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have no reason not to believe you, but that is a crazy story. Glad it didn't go to waste.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Wow that is crazy! I'm with the others, at least the meat didn't go to waste. Kind of sucks that you were trying to do the right thing through the DNR and didn't even hear from them.