Well, My Daughter finally got her first deer. She had been hunting pretty hard with me most of this year. I thought she had been pretty patient for a 7 year old. I called her off of a couple small does, which she didn't care for one bit! lol So I was getting trail cam pics of the buck we call the wide 8 coming by our honey hole tree stand. I set up a blind a couple weeks earlier right below the tree stand. I continued to get pics of him coming by. So I took her up there. We sat for probably close to 2 hours before seeing a deer. 2 small does walked up past and started feeding in front of us. She wanted to shoot one of them immediately. I could still here more deer walking though. We waited another 2 minutes, and here came 2 more does. 1 of them was a fawn, and the other a decent sized doe. She said let me shoot the biggest one. I could still here more deer walking though. So I convinced her to wait. Then here came 2 more does. One of them was a pretty big doe. They walked up to about 10-12 yards in front of the blind, and just started feeding around in front of us. She was getting really anxious. I finally decided to let her just shoot one, because there would be plenty of time left in the season for her to get a buck. I told her as soon as the biggest one gets broadside to shoot her right behind the shoulder. I looked to my left, and heard the crossbow fire....I looked around real fast not expecting her to shoot that fast. I heard a good solid thump when the arrow hit. I seen the deer running, but couldn't make out the hit. The hill drops over real fast in front of us, and after a few bounds I could not see the deer at all. I told her to be quiet so we could hear if she goes down. I heard a crash noise, but couldn't tell for sure if she had went down, because there were 6 deer together, and when there are 6 deer running its tough to tell if 1 crashed or not. We sat there for about 10 minutes, and I talked to her about where she had aimed. She told me I aimed right where you told me too. I said did you see the arrow hit her? She said yea. I said well where did it hit her? She said right where I aimed! lol After giving the doe a couple hours we went looking. I found a couple spots of blood right where she shot her. Then it kinda stopped. My Dad was helping us track her, and he just started walking down to where I said it sounded like she crashed. He yelled Haylee come here. I yelled did you find blood. He replied no, but I found Haylee's deer. She started screaming, and running full blast towards that deer. I've never seen her so excited in my life. I can tell she is gonna be hooked now. She hit that doe perfect. It went about 40 yards. It was a pretty big doe too. It field dressed 120 pounds. I was as excited as she was. I think my Dad was too. Here's the pics.