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Ohio Accents??


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I get looked at funny down here in the Cincy area when I call cantelope(sp),muskmelon and corn on the cob,roastin' ears! Lol

I've always said crick,hollar and warch TOO.lol
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*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I get it all the time, I never lost my "Southern Ohio" accent. When I got back from WV it got worse. The wife wondered what happened to me. The people I work with said, man you sound just like all these people. I didnt grow up too far away from KY, and WV. IT just sticks to ya.


Staff member
My mom lived in Akron after growing up in KY. When I was 12, I went to a week long baseball camp and roomed with a kid from Akron. Mom picked me up and I started dropping "bayck" and other obvious Akronite type words and she was laughing hysterically. I pick up accents real easily. Same with catch phrases. My one buddy says "right" all the time when you are talking to him. If I spend TOO much time with him, I start saying it TOO.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i had some buddys in from tenessee this past week there actually comin back up for youth season with there kids, there some good ol boys, if you spend to much time with them you start sounding like them, my dad came over to meet them they was sitting around talking and the first thing my dad says to them is you fuggers talk funny. they are a blast to be with tho.


Staff member
Here's a few I say that I'm aware of...

Home: Hoemuh
Phone: Fonah
Ohio: Ahia
Washington: Worshington
Wash cloth: Worsh rag
Roof: Ruff
Creek: Crick


Senior Member
You wanna talk Pittsburgh accents?

Crayons = crans
Downtown = dun-tun
Washington = warshington
You guys = yinz
Steelers = Stillers

Because of my proximity to the burgh I hear them all. There's more, just can't think of them.

Where I'm from Steelers=squeelers...


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
Yall aint from roun her are ya? LMAO.. I say "yall" a lot and everynow and then my g/f (who is from Michigan whole nother accent up there) will call me out saying "Yonder" I guess I can thank my mom and grandma for that, they are from Brethett and Hazard countys Ky..


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
I am originally fro Georgia so I get a lot of people up this way asking me where I am from.
Words my wife gives me heck about
About to = fixin to
I guess = I reckon
Over there = over yonder
And it has been point out that I really pronounce my G's like Kingha
The biggest difference I notice from region to region in Ohio and other states is the speed that people talk.
My wife tells me all the time I talk TOO slow.
But when she is around some of my buddies they always say they can't keep up because she talks TOO fast.

She is from Minnesota though so you can imagine her accent.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
My Grandpa on Mom's side was German immigrant. So my mom stills calls fish "feesh". Dishes are "deeshes". Hershey candy bar is pronounced "Hershery". Wash is "woish".If she wants to say "It's the doorbell" she sounds like "is da doorbell"