Are you sayin that my group is not typical? That they wouldn't not have killed deer last week if they didn't have the 2 day and MZ to kill a deer? That they will not kill a deer this year?
That the only reason the hunters are successful during the 2 day is because of expanded opportunity, that they would not kill a deer without those 2 days?
I will say your group is NOT typical. I would venture to guess that your group is likely a bit more particular in what they shoot than is the average. The vast majority of hunters (IMO, of course) are out hunting deer, not particular deer, or even a certain age or "class" of deer.
Epanded opportunity is the biggest killer of deer. For some measure of proof, simply look at the numbers for 2001, and 2002. In 2002, Sunday hunting was added. For many, that additional singel day of gun hunting doubled their opportunity (weekend only hunters). The same can be said for many bowhunters that had previously only had Saturdays to hunt. I would venture to guess that the addition of Sunday hunting is one reason we no longer see the number of hunters taking off the entire week of gun season to hunt...why would they when they can hunt four weekend days with a shotgun? For most, I'll assume four days is enough.
If it is your belief (and I think you are playing devil's advocate here), that expanded opportunity does not equal higher success, why don't we just start gun season the last Saturday on September and end it sometime the first week of February?
Deer used to have it made if they made it through shotgun season. Sure, we had Muzzleloader season, but it was three days, always Thur, Fri, and Sat, and it was around the first or second week in January. There were very few late season bowhunter, and baiting was illegal. None of that is the case these days. Our muzzleloaders go bang when we pull the trigger now, and they shoot accurately at 200yds. Late season bowhunting is now fairly popular as people know how effective a pile of corn is once the snow flies and the temps drop. We kill more deer in January with a bow now than we did the entire season when I started hunting.
I doubt your group would be classified as typical, and they would have killed a deer if the chose to the first 7 days of gun season I'm sure...but many that will die next weekend would have not if it weren't for the additional days.