Taking my 11year old stepson back out to the new property we gained permission for this year...He hunted the first gun weekend, and had an awesome 1st encounter with a doe at 10 yds...Since it was his first trip and he had only shot about 10 shells through the gun before hunting with it, we holed up in the "cabin" that is on the property....unfortunately I had him rest his gun on the window sill and that threw off his shooting form and he shot right over that doe's back...He couldn't believe that he missed at just 10 yds....he was pissed about it all day...so we're hitting the range again tonight, starting at 10yds. and backing up to 20yds, maybe 25 (youth 20 ga. smoothbore with bead on muzzle)...He is wanting really badly to fix his miss and looking for deer revenge this weekend!!!