I think some may be confused about where I am coming from.
I don't care one flip about the 2 day gun season personally. I have never shot a deer during the 2 day gun. No one that hunts with me has ever shot a deer during the 2 day gun. I don't care if I ever shoot a deer during the 2 day gun.
I have been reading on this site and others the concern for the dwindling deer herd for the last few years. Some have experienced it harder than others. Heck the Strouds Run outing was born from the deer herd reduction conversations.
Everybody has their own theory as to what has happened and why. I agree with some of the thoughts, some I don't. The ones that I don't agree with amount to little more than knee jerk reactions in my opinion.
The one common ground, it seems everyone shares, is to reduce the harvest to allow for a rebound of the deer populations. It also seems that most agree than excessive harvest has been the primary cause of the deer population reduction.
So one of the primary proposals being pushed by many here is the elimination of the 2 day gun season. It doesn't matter that the harvest increase we have experienced over the last 10 years has not come from the gun harvest. It doesn't matter that you will not realize a 1 to 1 reduction in harvest by eliminating the 2 day gun season. It doesn't matter that a group of hunters is asking for a reduction of hunter opportunity of another group. I guess that one shouldn't surprise me with how many don't like crossbows and never wanted them included in the archery seasons. Maybe you would like those outlawed now also, there's a 45,000 deer a year harvest reduction for you.
Having something bad occur that you want to change will always bring out the simple fix ideas to a complex problem. Eliminating the 2 day gun as the primary fix to the over harvest will no more fix the problem any more than banning assault rifles will stop mass shootings.
I am 100 % for all hunters and access to the the resource. I would like to see changes made that would effect the harvest without effecting the opportunity for any hunter to hunt any season. I would like to see expanded hunting opportunities, not less. I would like to see harvest management. We don't close Lake Erie to walleye fishing for a month due to low populations, we adjust the limits.
Personally I would like to see where I hunt in Athens County back to where it was in 2002. It was in the top 5 counties for gun season harvest with over 4100 deer taken during the week, this year it was 1983 deer and 2059 in 2011, and has not been in the top 10 counties for many years.
I get to hunt every day of every gun season, I'm lucky to be able to do that. Many hunters are not that fortunate and have limited days to hunt. That is why I am so opposed to the easy quick fix plan that does not address the problem of harvest, and assigns blame through restriction of opportunity for a problem that it is not responsible for.
2 day season, stay, go, doesn't effect me personally at all, zero, zip, but I refuse to piss on hunters, any hunters, without just cause, and I won't let anyone else do it either without at least voicing my opinion. I know my opinion is not popular here but it is what I beleive