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My 2010 Buck


Junior Member
Hey guys this was a fun evening. I even got to share this with my son that makes it even better.

Well we got in late because of him getting out of school at 3:45. We come home get showered and head out. We made good time. We got set up by 4:15 and at 5 o'clock this stud appears out of no where. It all happen so fast because I could not see anything approaching from my left. we were set up on the ground in a blind that a made up out down branches and so on. I had a quik shot and thought he was 20 yards. He ended up being 15 and I hit high liver and the rage blade cought some spine. This is my first time spining a deer as well. I put a follow up shot in him and the rest is history.

He has 9 scoreable points and carries his mass well. It is my biggest bow kill to date and very happy to get this deer. I shot a nice Tom in April and now this buck. Cant ask for a better hunting season. The iceing on the cake will be seeing my son kill his first deer this weekend.

If someone can attach the photos please do so. I tried to attach them but couldn't get them to attach. They should be available in the album.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats Huntnfool! Glad to see the pics John posted. Didn't know you had your son with you. Makes it even better! Awesome!


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Junior Member
Thanks everyone. It was definatly cool to have him there. Hell just a few minutes before that I hit him on the knee because he was snoring. He always seems to doze off in the woods. He is to funny!

Taxi put quick tape on it, 143 is what it scored.l


Senior Member
Thanks everyone. It was definatly cool to have him there. Hell just a few minutes before that I hit him on the knee because he was snoring. He always seems to doze off in the woods. He is to funny!

Taxi put quick tape on it, 143 is what it scored.l

Awesome awesome awesome! Way to go!