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Spur of the moment hunt tonight


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was driving around in the "blizzard" this afternoon, scouring creeks and corn fields for feeding ducks and geese. I found one big flock of geese, probably 400 or so, and watched them pour into a corn field around 1 pm. I tracked down the farmer... asked permission... Nope. Shit... of course not. :( So I kept on driving and as I got closer to home I passed over a bridge. It was a wide drainage ditch, and about 150 yds down I saw ducks... quite a few, too. I ran home and looked up the owner... My lucky day! The owner is a farmer that already allows me to hunt! Back in the truck I go and set up in the adjacent corn field by about 30 minutes later. Laying in my blind, I start hammering on the duck and goose calls. Sure enough, up pops 3 mallards out of the ditch and they head my way. Two swings later they're dropping right in. Stupid gun got caught on my snow cover and I only drop one of the hens. But when the shot went off, about 100-150 ducks picked up in the ditch. I quickly reloaded and hammered on the calls. I was able to get another group of three to come in... 2 hens and a drake. They came right in after about 3 passes... Mr. Drake didn't make it out. :) About a half hour later a pair came flying by. Same story... hen and a drake... they drop right in, only the hen leaves. :) I ended up staying until dark but the big group never did come back. I'm thinking a morning setup in the ditch might be a pretty good hunt this weekend!



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Seems like the majority of the guys who were out yesterday had a good day... Congrats.... I don't see myself getting into duck hunting as I have too many outdoor activities now ..... :smiley_clap: Now maybe if you could combine bunny/duck hunting :smiley_chinrub: May have too put some thought into that one rotflmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
See, the thing about duck hunting is you guys here only see the success stories and pictures. If you were along for EVERY trip, including the frustrating, back-aching, spirit-breaking hunts that truly suck, you'd probably look at us like... "Why the hell would anyone want to put themselves through all that?" lmao

Nah, waterfowling is extremely fun when it all comes together. That's the only reason I can figure that makes me keep going at it. For every good hunt there are about 15 or more crappy hunts. But when a pile of mallards is cupped over your decoys and coming in hard, feet-down, that's what it's all about right there.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
See, the thing about duck hunting is you guys here only see the success stories and pictures. If you were along for EVERY trip, including the frustrating, back-aching, spirit-breaking hunts that truly suck, you'd probably look at us like... "Why the hell would anyone want to put themselves through all that?" lmao

Nah, waterfowling is extremely fun when it all comes together. That's the only reason I can figure that makes me keep going at it. For every good hunt there are about 15 or more crappy hunts. But when a pile of mallards is cupped over your decoys and coming in hard, feet-down, that's what it's all about right there.

I don't even wanna think about the gallons of gas burnt up driving around almost aimlessly, while looking up at empty skies hoping to catch a group of birds flying out to feed. Then tracking them down in the field, searching up the landowner, seeking out permission, only to get told "no" more often than not. Yep, there's A LOT of work that goes into a good hunt like the one JB put together yesterday, and that's what makes it soooo rewarding when you finally have birds cupped up & committed. Misery loves company.


*Supporting Member*
Ain't much better than dry field mallards ...great stuff. Sure wish we could of gotten to hunt my spot weds or today....never the less, greenheads and honkers will hit the snow this weekend


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I know NOTHING about hunting waterfowl. And here I thought all you had to do was go down to the local pond with a loaf of bread:smiley_crocodile: Being as tough as it sounds, I give you guys credit. Hope the skies fill up with birds on your next outing!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ain't much better than dry field mallards ...great stuff. Sure wish we could of gotten to hunt my spot weds or today....never the less, greenheads and honkers will hit the snow this weekend

(In best Marv Albert voice) YEESSSSSS!