Going out this afternoon. Will be tough in the sun, but cant wait around for perfect conditions.
Two of us walked for around 5 hours today on three new properties and came up with zero sheds. I know better than to go this early because in my area it doesn't get prime until the 2nd week of March, about the time things are thinking about getting green. I just couldn't resist myself. They closed my office down because all of the gov-ment workers had the day off, so I took it off too. For some reason they drop earlier in the S/E part of the state. I am not looking in very deer rich areas either, so that doesn't help the matter any. If we had more deer we would probably be finding more antlers.
I TOO am hunting in the SW and couldn't agree more with your entire statement. I was off, walked my ass off(4+miles), around grain picked/winter wheat field edges,seeing some tracks and skat but not tons. Talking to neighbors and friends in my area when the do see a buck(seldom) it still has both sides.
I hear yah. Finding an antler is no easy task in itself. Factor in the lowest deer population I have seen in 15 years of hunting and it makes it even tougher. I will always be out there no matter what though. For some reason walking miles upon miles to usually come up empty handed must be appealing to me!
Good eye, LN! Great find.