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Just a simple 23 Hour hold

Well monday was the latest chapter in getting me closer to normal

As my left eye was not pointing in the right direction :smiley_blackeye:
Nasty headacks and double vision

They got all the OK's from Workman's Comp :pickle: last time there was a 2 week delay
It was suposed to be simple
I just had to stay over night to make sure everythimg was OK before I headed home

I was suposed to arive at 10 AM for a 12 opperation
Just before we were going to leave , the hospital called
My noon opperation had been moved to 4 PM

So I wait at home 4 more hours till we leave

Well I am getting hungery and thirsty ......Maybe from not eating since 11:30 PM the night before

Well everything go's well ( in the opperation )
They just cut my head open to harvest some skull
Grind up part of it , mix with Spackling ( yep that's the name ) and spread it where they took the piece of skull

They then cut next to my eye and on the top of my head
Add the skull chunks to move my eye 4MM out and 2 MM to the side

Well that part went well
So now the fun part
Doc talks the my parents about 7PM
But I am pitching my cookies and in a lot of pain
So my parents wait till almost 10:30PM till I am OK enough for them to see me
Not to my room till ???

I get a bunch more pain meds and can sort of sleep till 5 AM

Well the fun never ends
Around 7 AM one of the Doc's comes in and said I will be discharged in a few hours
8:30 ish he returns to re wrap my head
I still have the IV in and am waiting
So at 9:30 AM the nurse gets the OK
I get breakfast , dosn't arive till almost 10:30

I eat , I feel OK
So I get to leave
But I get a pain shot and a pain pill for the road

Thursday AM we drive to the Doctors office to have the dressing removed
I have excess blood between my skull and skin on the top of my head
I get that out ( WAY to much fun )

BTW I am down to 1/2 or less on the pain pills after Thursday
And only have had to take 1 today

But the best part
Today I get the first bill in the mail
And all the bills are being paid for by Workman's Comp

I get to wait till next week to have the stiches out , I can hardly wait LOL

So how has your week been ?



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn John..... never a dull moment with you is there buddy..... glad things are being taken care of and here's hoping the road too recovery is quick....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wow! Thanks for some perspective John. Here I thought I had it bad because I was working on taxes all day AND my mother in law stopped by. . . and wouldn't leave. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Man John! Hope the recovery is real fast for ya. You sure went through a lot!....Makes my shitty week look like a party. Good Luck Buddy!
I hope you continue to recover...and thanks for the medical update adventures. :smiley_blink:

I've been off work all week, but I can't go into the details. Let's just say I've had an abscess that the doc says, "Some people just get these." ...and in a sensitive enough location that'll make your toenails curl. The 2 different anti-biotics are making me nauseous, but I have to eat or get more nauseous. Lovely, just lovely.

Anyway, I get to go back to work on Monday...which (and I hate to say this), beats the pants off of this program. :smiley_breakdance:
