What are the benfits of splitting wood.
I honestly normally just cut logs small enough to burn. I only burn them at the cabin, not at my home. However, I have always wanted to split, it but never really saw a reason to spend the extra time doing it. Is it just to help it dry, and give you more wood?
When i have access to a bunch of wood I cherry pick and only cut rounds small enough to burn. Firewood is all about handling. The more you handle it the more you work per cord.
Cut load, stack unload, carry in the house. That's 3
Cut load, unload on ground, pick up to split, stack splits, carry in house. That's 5.
You had to handle the wood 2 more times for the same BTU to split it.
You also want to pay attention to the btu per cord of the species you're cutting. Both take the same handling per cord.
For example black walnut is only about 20 million btu per cord. But shagbark hickory is 27 million btu per cord. And a buckeye tree is only about 13 million btu.
So if you have various species to pick from it pays dividends to know your trees and BTUs per cord. You could end up doing twice the work per btu cutting this tree vs the other one.
But this is all wood that is already down. It would be wasteful to cut down a tree and only limb it out. If I have to split a trunk ill buck the limbs then make a cut through the knots and then size it up for the stove. This places the knots at one end of the log to split and not directly in the middle. Gives you more leverage if hand splitting when you sink the splitter in a round where the knot is located farther away from the face.
Hand splitting is not about strength. It's about being able to read a log and accurately hit it. Pay attention to the face of the log. If the grain gets tight in one spot don't try to go right across. Split off that side by hitting it on the edge knocking off a chunk. Then try to split it across. If your working a larger log like 24 inches then walk your impact like a chalk line. Hit it in the middle. Then hit it on your side, then on the other, try to line up all three hits like you drew them with a marker and a straight edge. If you're a half inch left or right the impacts aren't working together. Concentrate more on reading how a log wants to split and lining up the hits than strength. You'll be less tired with more wood.