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Gordo's Property


Senior Member
Athens County
As some of you may remember I just recently purchased a home with my beautiful fiance.

The house came with 8 acres. Nothing huge, but man it feels great to call it my own.

I will say its the perfect 8 acres for holding deer. Very few mature tree's. 90% of it is straight up thicket, and its relatively flat ground for appalchia. Its The type of stuff you need to take a pair of pruners with ya to get into. Its by far the best cover in the general vicinty. Giggity giggity!

There are already well established/maintained trails from the previous owner, who was also a bow hunter.

The backside of the property has a great clearing, and a couple mature pine tree's that are ideal for hanging a set. Great cover even in the late season.

Ive never planted a food plot and think this would be a great place to start that endeavour.

I know im going to plant some fruit tree's around the property, just not sure where.

Would love to hear any suggestions. Here's some pics. First of the clearing, the others showing what makes up the rest of the property.





Senior Member
Athens County
The only Thing I'm trying to decide on is what to do in that clearing. It would be fun to watch a mini apple orchard develop in my life time. It's not that big of an area to where I can see a food plot being that big of an advantage. I'm kind of on the fence about it, but will probably end up pop pin some apple tree's in the ground, caging them up, and hope for the best.

Just keeping that area mowed will help draw them in.
The only Thing I'm trying to decide on is what to do in that clearing. It would be fun to watch a mini apple orchard develop in my life time. It's not that big of an area to where I can see a food plot being that big of an advantage. I'm kind of on the fence about it, but will probably end up pop pin some apple tree's in the ground, caging them up, and hope for the best.

Just keeping that area mowed will help draw them in.

Plant the apple trees around the perimeter and since you plan to mow it often, plant it in clover. You'd be surprised how much better that would be to draw them into a small field like that.


Staff member
Plant the apple trees around the perimeter and since you plan to mow it often, plant it in clover. You'd be surprised how much better that would be to draw them into a small field like that.

Yep. I'd line it with apple trees and plant a nice clover mix in there. If nothing else, it'll be nice to see deer browsing in it.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
That looks like a nice little piece of ground!

I'd go Jesse's route and put up a permanent tower blind over that lil patch if it produces!


Senior Member
Athens County
Should be a great morning spot if a big boy is held up in the thickets. The opening where I'll b planting the apple tree's and clover, is on the very backside of the property. Inbetween that and my homestead is e thick/nasty shit they'll be bedding in.

Walking back into that clearing without trespassing and staying on my property is going to send me right through the bedding area. Not good for an evening spot as I'll bust them all outta there.

If I can gain access through another property I'll b good to go.

We'll see what happens. I know for one thing, there will be at least one deer harvested this upcoming year.


Senior Member
Athens County
Sounds like you could even put in a good path through some of that for your access and for the deer as well.

There already is a good path system in place. Should be pretty easy to maintain.

The predominant wind will be in my face entering from my backyard. That could limit my opportunities of being able yo slip in from the backside, as that would put me directly upwind of the main bedding areas.

Should be some fun hunting. There's a good track record of nice bucks being takin here.


Senior Member
Athens County
Well i might go get me some fruit tree's to plant over the weekend with our families in town.

Could turn into a cool little tradition since we hold 'easter' every year. Have everyone pop one in the ground.

Something tells me it wont happen. To much eating and drinking to do. lol. "You want us to do what?!?!"
Well i might go get me some fruit tree's to plant over the weekend with our families in town.

Could turn into a cool little tradition since we hold 'easter' every year. Have everyone pop one in the ground.

Something tells me it wont happen. To much eating and drinking to do. lol. "You want us to do what?!?!"

Could be a good place to have an Easter egg hunt too!