I completely understand and am with you 100%.. I was raised Southern baptist, attended a private christian school, even won first place at state competition among christian schools for a sermon I wrote and Preached. That was 16 years ago now. Like you I haven't darkened the steps of a church outside weddings and funerals in over 14 years. I still have a belief in God, believe the bible, and all that jazz. I agree with the religion, I hate the people. Modern "organized religion" as I call it is 99% of the time IMO a sham. Some of the most hypocritical, judgmental, vain, fake people I have met firmly believe they are "Christians". I think many of the pastors today are charlatans.. And most of their congregation wouldn't understand the basics and founding principals of Christianity if Jesus himself told them.
I pass by a church often driving home.. It's a big, popular church.. And when people tell you they go there they almost have a air of snobbishness in their voice. "Well, I go to YYY church".. Like it's a status symbol or something.. It's the church where all the doctors, lawyers, and recognizable names in the town go. Naturally others attend there too for the simple reason that it's the posh thing to do.. And they have no qualms about telling you what church they go to, almost as if they're bragging.. I drive by this church at night and they have a monstrosity of a building. Spotlight's shining all night highlight the architectural craftsmanship of the building. The parking lot out front has the lights on constantly. You can tell they are proud of the place. But here is where I have a problem.. It's vanity. The whole thing is Vanity. What would Jesus say if he saw such a place crafted in his name... I would assume the first question he would ask is why they're spending money that was given in his name to shine a spotlight on a building. Why isn't that money being used to feed, clothe, and witness to the lost and less fortunate. I can tell you what Jesus would think about such a vain waste. He has already told us.
Matthew:25 35-40
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Show up dirty, stinky, and hungry at that church, don't make a scene, just quietly slip in and sit in the back.. Observe the looks, glances, and targeted disdain. Wickedness in the name of the lord.. It is these people who will suffer worse after their judgement than all others.
Tithing.. I HATE how modern organized religion touts tithing. If you need money for operations then say so.. Don't attach some supreme power to it.. If you want to see how much a church loves God and how Spiritual they are.. Go to their church for a few months.. Don't put a dime in the plate. If you can go three months without being pulled to the side and passively lectured on tithing, you've found something rare. Usually it'll happen right after a sermon on tithing. I'm not going to go into a diatribe of why tithing is a scam. Here is a lengthy, scripture filled, step by step explanation of the history of tithing.
All is all I believe that modern organized religion is nowhere near what God had planned. It's nowhere near the teachings of Jesus..
As for me. I don't need them. Most are charlatans and wolves in sheep's clothing. I will live be a good person, help those in need where I can, and lay my head down at night without regrets. On my judgement day I think God will agree.