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Looking forward to tomorrow morning...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've got my whole day booked solid with things to do tomorrow. The nice thing is, every single thing on my list is related to killing deer this fall. :smiley_deer: I've got to check my camera, hang a couple stands, clear some paths, and most importantly... plant some FOOD PLOTS! I'm planning on putting in 2 or 3 plots, adding up to about 1 acre total. Picked up some seed at the local coop today after work. Each plot will be a mixture of canadian oats, winter rye, ladino clover and red clover. I'm really looking forward to it because these will be the first food plots ever planted on this property. I've never had any problems getting on the deer there, but I just wanted to add something to my to-do list and food plots seemed like a good idea. Hopefully I can get some pictures taken tomorrow to share with you guys.


Active Member
Norton, OH
I am going to go attempt to shoot fish tomorrow. I keep putting off this whole deer hunting thing cause other shit gets in the way. Have fun tomorrow!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
JBrown, I'm so happy for you. That makes one of us that's gonna spend the weekend gettin ready for the season.
I'd PLANNED on doing it, but then my uncle calls my ma for a cookout, and she doesn't want to go all the way down there but he'll come up here and how about we just do it at your place Dan? I hate to invite myself but.....so now the wife is in full houseclean mode but has to work half-days this weekend so I gotta do most of it and I don't give two shits about every little dustbunny but it's gotta be perfect so thank you very much for rubbing it in my face JBrown but I wish you well on your deer endeavors. Keep a strong thought for your pal who'll be making potato salad etc when he should be shootin practice

Please do take lots of pictures so that I can live vicariously thru you.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'm sleeping in. Maybe some morning loving, then headed to Rocky for some good deals hopefully. Got a big party tomorrow night. Probably hanging one stand and shooting Sunday.

Good Luke JB. Those are my favorite kind of days!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
JBrown, I'm so happy for you. That makes one of us that's gonna spend the weekend gettin ready for the season.
I'd PLANNED on doing it, but then my uncle calls my ma for a cookout, and she doesn't want to go all the way down there but he'll come up here and how about we just do it at your place Dan? I hate to invite myself but.....so now the wife is in full houseclean mode but has to work half-days this weekend so I gotta do most of it and I don't give two shits about every little dustbunny but it's gotta be perfect so thank you very much for rubbing it in my face JBrown but I wish you well on your deer endeavors. Keep a strong thought for your pal who'll be making potato salad etc when he should be shootin practice

Please do take lots of pictures so that I can live vicariously thru you.

Shit Dan, that's depressing as hell buddy.:smiley_adfundum: LOL. I'll try to take as many pictures as I can for ya.

I'm sleeping in. Maybe some morning loving, then headed to Rocky for some good deals hopefully. Got a big party tomorrow night. Probably hanging one stand and shooting Sunday.

Good Luke JB. Those are my favorite kind of days!!!

Yea buddy... let us know if you find anything good down there. I've been wanting a pair of light weight hunting boots for a couple years now. I really need to get down there one of these days. Did you decide what waders to buy yet?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Got food plots planted on one property today. Pretty small, but strategically positioned. Tough woods to pattern the deer and there are nice deer in the area. Problem is I only have access to a portion of the woods so I try to keep them on my end.

Home after dark tonight, and just now checking the computer. My buddy will be here at 730am and we are going to take my tractor with field mower out, along with a four wheeler with roundup mixed on the tank in back. Might need a thermos of coffee to take along. Wakeup call is going to come early.


Coshocton, OH
i spent most of the day getting ready for sept. 25 as well. dad and i shot from two of our treestands that are on a steep slope into an open CRP field. my range finder was telling me about 5 yds. different from actual yardage to where to aim. then i checked all 5 cameras and moved 3 of them. i ended up using the 4 wheeler to bust down a section of 7ft. high weeds leading into a corn field so i could get a cam up. there was lots of signs in there and a couple real big beds so i am looking forward to checking that one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
JBrown- How did it turn out for you?

We ended up burning a full tank of diesel out of my tractor with the flail mower! I hate to think how many acres I cut. Prepped for future food plots, trimmed lanes, dug out mineral/salt licks. I know the mineral licks are not going to benefit us much now, but this is long term work we are starting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
JBrown- How did it turn out for you?

We ended up burning a full tank of diesel out of my tractor with the flail mower! I hate to think how many acres I cut. Prepped for future food plots, trimmed lanes, dug out mineral/salt licks. I know the mineral licks are not going to benefit us much now, but this is long term work we are starting.

It well fairly well, although I didn't get near as much accomplished as I wanted to. My wife reminded me of a wedding reception we had to go to, so it basically cut my day in half. I checked the trail cam and got one plot planted, but I was not able to get the two hang-ons set that I wanted to.

The food plot was more work than I thought it would be. I underestimated the ground up on the hillside... lots of rocks and hard as cement... that's what you get on ground that's never been worked. We started off with a 5' tiller, but after only about 20 minutes, we broke a shear pin and lost half the tiller LOL. We ended up hooking up the plow, turning it all over, and then going over it with the disk before planting. Here are some pics of all the dusty fun.



After plowing was finished...


The finished product...

In total, this plot is about four tenths of an acre... my seed mixture consisted of 50 lbs canadian oats, 25 lbs winter rye, 5 lbs red clover, and 5 lbs ladino clover. This plot is located on a hillside on the west side of the woods. As you go south, it necks down to only about 20 ft wide, where a giant oak tree is blocking the end. If it grows well, it'll be a perfect hunting plot. For bow season, I'm going to have a stand at each end of it, but not on the plot itself... they'll be back in the woods about 50 yds. For gun season, I plan on constructing a ground blind in the fallen tree at the south end... that way you could look down the entire length of the plot through the scope.

I feel pretty good about what I got done, but I definitely have to get back down there soon to tie up some loose ends. I'm getting a lot of traffic on the trail cam so I'm really looking forward to the season to start.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice pics JBrown! The Massey looks like the one my buddy was going to bring but we ended up using mine for all of it. Good luck!

FWIW- Even with the majority of my time on the tractor, long pants/shirt, I am covered in poison ivy on my arms. I am ready to scratch till my fingernails are covered in blood, but have so far resisted the temptation. Oh well, it will be worth it when hunting season opens. My forearms look like the have sleaves of poison ivy on the underside. :smiley_badmood:

Not sure about our food plots just yet, but there should be at least a couple acres total, maybe more. Need to spray it with Crossbow first as there was a bunch of smaller saplings, and wild strawberries and other woody growth. Crossbow will take it out then we will probably bring in my friend's JD 4420. I think that is the model he said. Huge tractor for the job, but will make short order of it!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice pics JBrown! The Massey looks like the one my buddy was going to bring but we ended up using mine for all of it. Good luck!

FWIW- Even with the majority of my time on the tractor, long pants/shirt, I am covered in poison ivy on my arms. I am ready to scratch till my fingernails are covered in blood, but have so far resisted the temptation. Oh well, it will be worth it when hunting season opens. My forearms look like the have sleaves of poison ivy on the underside. :smiley_badmood:
Not sure about our food plots just yet, but there should be at least a couple acres total, maybe more. Need to spray it with Crossbow first as there was a bunch of smaller saplings, and wild strawberries and other woody growth. Crossbow will take it out then we will probably bring in my friend's JD 4420. I think that is the model he said. Huge tractor for the job, but will make short order of it!

I feel your pain bro. I'm worried that I'll end up getting pretty bad soon too because that field was loaded with poison ivy yesterday. So far, I don't have any itches but we'll see.

BTW, there's no such thing as a tractor that's too big for the job LOL.


Tatonka guide.
Jbrown..nice work but who in the hell taught you to plow like that:smiley_bril: we gots to have a plow school now I see:smiley_champ: like the tractor too. massey's are underrated and are one heck of a tractor...lil powerhouses and they are heavy too. looks like some darn fine trees for stands too.


*Hims a Super Moderator*
jbrown..nice work but who in the hell taught you to plow like that:smiley_bril: We gots to have a plow school now i see:smiley_champ: Like the tractor too. Massey's are underrated and are one heck of a tractor...lil powerhouses and they are heavy too. Looks like some darn fine trees for stands too.

wtf - how the hell he do that Ho - looks like a decent seed bed though - dang
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jbrown..nice work but who in the hell taught you to plow like that:smiley_bril: we gots to have a plow school now I see:smiley_champ: like the tractor too. massey's are underrated and are one heck of a tractor...lil powerhouses and they are heavy too. looks like some darn fine trees for stands too.

LOL... don't even get me started on the plowing. There were so many damn rocks and roots... and there's actually a fairly steep dropoff on the south end... so it was virtually impossible to plow that spot "properly." I even had to incorporate a little bit of "pucker power" there a few times... damn near rolled the massey. :smiley_dead: It's been a good tractor but we have some work to do to it this winter.

There are a lot of good trees in and around this plot. It's pretty much riddled with red oaks and hickories all over it. For hunting, I'm not planning on setting any stands directly on the plot. The way the land lays, it'd be impossible not to spook deer when walking in and out from a stand on the plot. By putting the stands back in the timber, I'd be able to walk in through the woods in the morning and out through the woods in the evening... virtually undetected. If something grows, this spot should be dynamite. It's always been good up there and there's never been a food plot there before.