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East winds...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Since our less than eventful opening day of gun season, I have been looking back over my notes from the season and I've come to notice a trend involving easterly winds. The trend also coordinates with drops in barometric pressure. The unfortunate part of the trend is the fact that the outcome has been the worst days of hunting I had all year. In total, I hunted 21 hours in winds that were easterly in nature. (Monday morning we hunted 4 hours in a SE wind, then spent 4 hours in an east wind that afternoon.) In those 21 hours of hunting, I saw a grand total of 3 deer. Compare that to my average of seeing slightly over one deer per hour on stand, and you can see why I find this trend "disturbing". Has anyone else noticed the same correlation and if so, what if any theory do you have regarding these findings?

My initial thoughts is that easterly winds bring with them a drop in barometric pressure and both factors supress deer movement. Because an easterly wind is a rarity around here and knowing deer are highly tuned in to their environmental conditions, I think this "strange" wind messes with their natural movement. If you've paid any attention to the Drurys over the years, you know they place a lot of faith in hunting on a high pressure "blue bird" day following a front. If it is a fact that easterly winds typically bring a drop in pressure, then I feel I'm on to something.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've seen the same trend over the years too, Jesse. I think it's got a lot to do with the change in barometric pressure, as well as it just being "different" conditions. It's like the fishing saying, though... "Wind from the east, you'll catch the least... Wind from the west is the best." It's hard to speculate why this is the case. I mean, there is so much that we don't know about animals and fish... we can't just ask them what the deal is.

One strange thing that I've noticed is that, from my experience, this rule doesn't apply to waterfowl. I've always seemed to have the best duck hunts with an easterly wind, especially northeast. This probably has a lot to do with the locations I was hunting, though. East winds put a good chop on the Sandusky bay, which makes it less appealing compared to the sheltered wetlands.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
East sucks. SW is best.

Not to hijack, but does anybody have a good source for detailed weather forecasts that include projected wind direction? One of the local stations used to have that on their website but have changed their format just to piss me off.:smiley_boos:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
East sucks. SW is best.

Not to hijack, but does anybody have a good source for detailed weather forecasts that include projected wind direction? One of the local stations used to have that on their website but have changed their format just to piss me off.:smiley_boos:

Weatherunderground is a good one, Dan... check it out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
For one thing, most of my stand locations are set up for anything but an East wind. I would say that would attribute to many of my lackluster days with an East wind.
Also, an East wind usually prdicates (along with a barometric drop) a front collision. So I guess the deer hunker down before the front hits then move again when the conditions improve (raise in barometric pressure). It all kind of adds up the same however you put it.

As far as fishing, my dad always told me when a cold front hits the biting stops. That kind of leads back to the east wind happening before a front.

If the higher pressure leads to more movement then this evening should be good!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
East sucks. SW is best.

Not to hijack, but does anybody have a good source for detailed weather forecasts that include projected wind direction? One of the local stations used to have that on their website but have changed their format just to piss me off.:smiley_boos:

Farmers Almanac.:smiley_bril:


*Supporting Member*
I use weatherbug.com with good results too...I don't necessarily see less deer with East winds but I usually end up
scrambling to find a decent setup for a east wind. The way my properties that I hunt are layed out east winds downright suck.