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Proposed addition of 2 more gun hunting days..................


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Really starting to question the sanity of the ODNR's" so called" Expert Deer Biologist Mike Tonkovich.Doesnt help any that one of our state reps got involved and was whining when they were going to eliminate the 2 day bonus gun season.So i guess what us average working hunters think or want does'nt mean squat.I believe i will just purchase only one tag this Fall.Instead of killing more deer for them maybe we should all only take one deer if that and look at all the revenue they will lose when they dont have hunters purchasing all the extra tags.They are really starting to pisss alot of the hunters off.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Really starting to question the sanity of the ODNR's" so called" Expert Deer Biologist Mike Tonkovich.Doesnt help any that one of our state reps got involved and was whining when they were going to eliminate the 2 day bonus gun season.So i guess what us average working hunters think or want does'nt mean squat.I believe i will just purchase only one tag this Fall.Instead of killing more deer for them maybe we should all only take one deer if that and look at all the revenue they will lose when they dont have hunters purchasing all the extra tags.They are really starting to pisss alot of the hunters off.

I like the idea, but I don't think it would matter. Revenue coming in from farm/insurance lobbyists would probably just increase. Plus, how many hunters do you really think would participate? I know my family will eat 2 or more deer a year.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hunters will shoot deer no matter the population. A person will just spend more time to get it done. It's what we do. As a whole we will eradicate them if left to our own devices. We've done it before. That's why we have a DNR. To prevent us from over harvesting to the detriment of the herd. They have the power through regulation to make the population boom with very conservative limits or even closing the season, to complete eradication through allowing an over harvest. We as a collective of hunters don't have that power. We only have one speed. Full ahead to the limits of the law. While there are few of us who will notice and slack off ourselves. The vast majority will just hunt more, use more bait, and still kill the same deer they always have regardless if their resident population is 20 or just 5. We as hunters are conservationist. But what we don't realize is we're FORCED conservationists. Forced by law. If left unguided we would be very detrimental to the population with each person never knowing any better.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
It's not the well rounded, acute thinking hunters they use for their "research". It's the "weekend Wal Mart Warriors" that believe deer season starts the Monday after Thanksgiving every year. Those are the guys that want to kill more and have more days to do it. Those are the guys that pay the bills too. They will always get the "answers" the farm bureau wants just by polling these types. I started 2 years ago by slowing down on doe kills in my are with a few of my buddies. I hope it helps but it's getting noticebly worse in my area as well


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I know you guys are right but just venting a little bit like most of the other posters.It would be great if it would go that way just once to hit their pocket books for a change.Just seems that the people that do all the control for them they just dont care about.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
3 of us hunt in my family. We are buck only until late in the season just in case we need to fill the freezer. Additional days added won't change how we hunt or what our targets are. We hunt for a trophy and hunt hard for one until the very end.
Some others buy 5 tags and fill them all themselves. To each his own...

I don't agree with added gun days because I've witnessed, just like many of you, the decline in deer sightings over the years. The only thing we can do to combat this is shoot only what we actually need and not go out and kill just because the state says we can. If you have a large family and NEED to fill tags, go for it. But, if you are like my family and one deer per person can get you by then don't kill more than you need.

Hunt like the Native Americans did. Take only what you need.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I say we all hold out for bucks in our areas but go to strouds to fill the freezer during our plethora of gun seasons
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I gotta believe we will have a little more "luck" with muzzleloaders than we did with bows. Regardless, it will be a good time I'm sure.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There seems to be some talk of taking only what you need etc. I really think whomever is making the decisions would like to see our herd knocked back to where we can only have a single tag, with only 30% of them being filled. Think about that... we are used to having enough deer around to kill more than one given the desire and effort to do so. Our first season in which it was legal to kill more than one deer was only 25 years ago, and that first year it was only legal to take a second deer in 11 counties. Before then, a person that shot more than one deer was looked down on as a game-hog. Perhaps the goal is a population where we consider ourselves lucky to kill A DEER. Keep in mind also that most people only hunted with a gun years ago and it was common for people to go several years between harvests. Bowhunters that took deer annually were an anomaly. Roger Rotharr became a bowhunting legend having killed about half a dozen nice bucks with archery gear. (Mrex's boys have tagged more good bucks than Roger did to thrust him into icon status). We may be heading for a serious change of perspective if things continue in the direction they appear to be going.

Then again I enjoyed squirrel hunting a lot more back then. I don't think the DOW can lead a charge to severely deplete squirrel populations. :)



It is not a whole lot different today.

The tags sold versus tags used show a success rate of 35- 41% over the last 10 years. Factor in multiple deer killed by some hunters and you have a hunter success rate of only around 33%.

There are lots of hunters that do not kill a deer very year, or every other year or even every 3rd or 4th year. The numbers clearly show that the total number of deer are harvested by 1/3 or the hunters each year.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
All these new regs and the fact that farm land is being sold left and right to build allotments and what not. Theres a 300 acre farm by me that the county used to own but some douche bag bought it for the sole purpose of making an industrial park out of it. I've seen some monster bucks at that farm and they sure as hell won't be around when that happens.


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
The wildlife council voted down the new proposal:


“The only thing you’d be changing this for is the politicians,” said Horace Karr, a council member from Pomeroy. “I think that’s as wrong as anything could possibly get.”

We need to buy dinner for the four council members who voted against the proposal :smiley_clap:

I wonder if this issue is over.................


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The wildlife council voted down the new proposal:


“The only thing you’d be changing this for is the politicians,” said Horace Karr, a council member from Pomeroy. “I think that’s as wrong as anything could possibly get.”

We need to buy dinner for the four council members who voted against the proposal :smiley_clap:

I wonder if this issue is over.................

Voted down by a narrow 4-3 vote. Who wants to place bets on how the two farm bureau board members sitting on the council voted.