If it makes you feel any better, my wife's Envoy is going back in the shop for the 6th time this year for brake related issues. I've now dumped $1,200+ in it to replace front and rear pads, front rotors, calipers, hoses, master cylinder, and brake booster. The issue is still not fixed. To make matters worse, I was told by the dealership if I we replaced the brake booster and/or master cylinder it would need to be "reprogrammed". So my wife gets up early one Friday to have that done and the guys at the dealership have no idea what she/we are talking about. The guy who told me that was no where to be found. So today we go back to the 3rd shop to work on it for the 3rd visit to that shop. Thankfully it is all warranty work to replace the master, pads, and rotors with hopes a bad master was continuing the problem.