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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I need to get in the woods and was looking forward to it all week. Now it aint happening. I really need to kill something NOW!!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sucks to hear about George. Wonder if he will show for the funeral?

Sorry to hear you won't be getting out Hoyt. Good luck man. You aren't alone. I made it out Monday for a few hours. Saw nothing. Heard nothing. Haven't done anything but work from dark to dark all week.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If you have been ignoring that grinding in your rear drums for about three weeks. Just a heads up, they will eventually say fuck you and not work anymore. You will know when they give you the proverbial middle finger because your truck will be going about 50 when the brake pedal goes to the floor. Don't worry, after your butt puckers up so tight you couldn't shit a jellybean, you'll panic and pump the brakes enough to where they'll catch and stop you. Looks like I'll be turning wrenches tonight, And I'm going to go out on a limb and say that drum is going to get a few more hits with a big fuggin hammer than it really needs.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
This one comes too mind Joe lol



Dignitary Member
Staff member
The pos pads oriley sold me had a crack in the metal. Refurbished junk. When I went back at 9:50 to trade them out of course each store in town only had one set and it was too late to get to the other store.

On a side note, the GFs dad has a full shop complete with a lift because he restores Chevelles. I love this woman more and more each day. :)


Staff member
If it makes you feel any better, my wife's Envoy is going back in the shop for the 6th time this year for brake related issues. I've now dumped $1,200+ in it to replace front and rear pads, front rotors, calipers, hoses, master cylinder, and brake booster. The issue is still not fixed. To make matters worse, I was told by the dealership if I we replaced the brake booster and/or master cylinder it would need to be "reprogrammed". So my wife gets up early one Friday to have that done and the guys at the dealership have no idea what she/we are talking about. The guy who told me that was no where to be found. So today we go back to the 3rd shop to work on it for the 3rd visit to that shop. Thankfully it is all warranty work to replace the master, pads, and rotors with hopes a bad master was continuing the problem.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If it makes you feel any better, my wife's Envoy is going back in the shop for the 6th time this year for brake related issues. I've now dumped $1,200+ in it to replace front and rear pads, front rotors, calipers, hoses, master cylinder, and brake booster. The issue is still not fixed. To make matters worse, I was told by the dealership if I we replaced the brake booster and/or master cylinder it would need to be "reprogrammed". So my wife gets up early one Friday to have that done and the guys at the dealership have no idea what she/we are talking about. The guy who told me that was no where to be found. So today we go back to the 3rd shop to work on it for the 3rd visit to that shop. Thankfully it is all warranty work to replace the master, pads, and rotors with hopes a bad master was continuing the problem.

That's GM for you. I think it stands for General Mechanic. Because that's what you have to be to own one.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Posting for my buddy Achmed...or whatever his name was.

stuck truck.jpg

I was rolling up to mom and dad's for mother's day dinner and crested a hill in time to see this guy pull out of a township road onto a county road and put the back end of his semi into a ditch, completely blocking the county road. He didn't speak English hardly at all so he asked me to call "da polzi". Whatever dude. Called 911, county dispatch gave me to the Hwy Patrol. It took them about 45 minutes to show up, so I got to yack with the local yokels until they did. Since he didn't speak English and was getting jumpy, I figured I'd pull my community duty and stick around...

Dude rolls up in a 2 wheel drive Blazer, rolls down his window and says "Well, buddy, I got a chain...." hahahaha


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was listening to the Hagg sing "Workin' Man Blues" tonight at work and couldn't help but think how shitty many Americans work ethics are these days.....:smiley_confused_vra:smiley_boos: