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Bobcat Passing Through...

Made the trip down to the farm in Meigs County over the weekend and part of our fun was scrolling through thousands of pictures off of the new trail cams we had out. My buddy and I about crapped our pants when we popped up the two pictures below off the mineral site in the Big Holla. Something I had always hoped to catch on a trail camera and sure enough, the Covert Red 40 caught it!! With all the caves and places for one to hide I always thought there was a chance. Now onto my quest to get daytime pics of him/her!!



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Their on the comeback. There was a dead one found on the road just off I-75 here in SW Ohio couple years ago.


Junior Member
Thats cool. We have plenty in Maine but I haven't seen one since coming south of NY. Rare indeed :)


Senior Member
I'm trying to put two and two together but I'm pretty sure based on your pictures that I trapped that farm this year. Caught 3 cats in that area.