At the range I shoot at there is a guy who shoots an old 1970's compound. This guy always seems to becoming up with crazy ideas to modify or repair his equipment. I've seen him cut off ten inch long strands of delaminated carbon fiber from his Gold Tip XT Hunters. I've witnessed him pack his arrows full of dirt and other strange things. He also brings his son with him just to help him find the arrows he losses. I thought I have seen the worst the could come up with until today. This dumb ass tried to repair a Robbin Hooded arrow by using super glue and serving material. I each time I see this guy I tell him what he is doing is extremely dangerous then leave the range. Just imagine a guy that looks like Riverdude dressed in a blue cotton track suit with a back quiver packed full of beat to shit Gold Tip arrows. While he shoots an ancient compound wearing leather work gloves. Oh and he drives a white cargo van. (Sorry RD this guy looks a lot like you) I've never met anyone like this guy in the sport.
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