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What's good TOO?

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
2 years ago I was a buddy's house drinking and he had a case of Labatt Light Lime...aka dirty water with lime in it. I've been hankering for it since then and haven't found any since - but I've even bought just the Labatt Light and poured it over limes.

Found it at Giant Eagle tonight, 12 for $9.99.

Still tastes as good as it did in college!



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Oh I forgot! I ordered a new pair of LaCrosse Burleys today from Cabelas. Got the uninsulated with mossy oak breakup. Regularly $145 and got them on sale for $115. Tax and shipping put it back up to $138 though...dang


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
That's a good deal Ric. I need to pick up a new pair of uninsulated boots as well.

Got off work at 6:30 this evening and talked with Ricer on the way home. Got to the house and the parts for my mower had arrived, so I headed straight out to the building. Had to replace the lower steering shaft and the drive belt, which meant I had to damn near take the entire thing apart. It's 2am and I just finished up working on it, and I've gotta be back up at 5 to head back to work.

Why is this good? My mower is finally fixed after waiting two weeks for parts. Had $150 in parts, but had I taken it to a shop, it would have easily been double. The rain is done for a few days, so I can finally get my yard mowed. That's TOO good!


Senior Member
Dang Greg! Finish the mower at 2:00 and back up at 5:00! You are gonna have a serious case of myassisdraggin. Ya better try to work in a little play time, you know what they say.... All work and no play will fuggin kill ya!
Thanks for the as ice yesterday, I think you're 100% right.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
That's a good deal Ric. I need to pick up a new pair of uninsulated boots as well.

Got off work at 6:30 this evening and talked with Ricer on the way home. Got to the house and the parts for my mower had arrived, so I headed straight out to the building. Had to replace the lower steering shaft and the drive belt, which meant I had to damn near take the entire thing apart. It's 2am and I just finished up working on it, and I've gotta be back up at 5 to head back to work.

Why is this good? My mower is finally fixed after waiting two weeks for parts. Had $150 in parts, but had I taken it to a shop, it would have easily been double. The rain is done for a few days, so I can finally get my yard mowed. That's TOO good!

Gotta admire a man who's willing to stick with it until it is finished. Good Job Greg.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Dang Greg! Finish the mower at 2:00 and back up at 5:00! You are gonna have a serious case of myassisdraggin. Ya better try to work in a little play time, you know what they say.... All work and no play will fuggin kill ya!
Thanks for the as ice yesterday, I think you're 100% right.

I'm feeling it this morning, but I will survive. Gonna try to get the mowing done after work tomorrow and Sunday so I can golf Monday! lol

I don't think I helped much, but I think you're ok!


*Supporting Member*
Yay, I got a Golden Retriever breeding in! This particular female is a great mom, but has a "thing" about anyone (me included) or any other dog being around when it is time to breed her. I had put the pair in the basement and angled mirrors so I could see what was (or wasn't) happening, but she figured that out and wouldn't stand.

I finally stuck them outside in a kennel and they were locked up within minutes.

I should have 2 litters (one Doodle, one Golden) within a week or so of each other! :smiley_clap:


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Lmao Adam! I had a few minutes to check them out. These are smaller but definitely a huge upgrade from what I had. I hope they don't fog up when conditions are not as perfect. We shall see come hunting season...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Got to shoot my bow for the first time since December last night. It sure did feel good, I am not feeling to good about how I shot but it sure felt good to fling some arrows.

Just need loads of practice before season gets her.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Just got back from the infectious disease Dr at OSU medical center, all my blood work is looking great and the best thing is they took out my PICC line!!! No more tube hanging out of my arm and carrying around that IV pack, that's TOO good!!!


Senior Member
Just got back from the infectious disease Dr at OSU medical center, all my blood work is looking great and the best thing is they took out my PICC line!!! No more tube hanging out of my arm and carrying around that IV pack, that's TOO good!!!

That's awesome bud! Good news all around, Diane's mom is on her way home and you are healing up and getting things taken out of yourself that the good Lord definitely didn't put there. Now if somebody would post that they have found a way to turn this heat down I would probably say it couldn't get any better! :)


*Supporting Member*
Just got back from the infectious disease Dr at OSU medical center, all my blood work is looking great and the best thing is they took out my PICC line!!! No more tube hanging out of my arm and carrying around that IV pack, that's TOO good!!!

This made my day! Absolutely fantastic news! But I'm still keeping you in my prayers. :smiley_coolpeace: