Me and the wife went to Zanesville today , had lunch, did some shopping at the mall and went too the movies there. We seen world war Z and I thought it was a good flic, worth the 7 bucks to see it but the best part of my day was when I set down on one of the benches out in the mall while the wife went into one of her stores that I had no interest in going in. Sitting on the other end of the bench was a very elderly gentleman who started talking to me when I sat down, he told me he comes there every afternoon with his son who walks in the mall for exercise. We chatted for awhile and he commented on one of my tattoos, I told him I got it while I was in the service, well then the conversation was on. He was a WW2 air force veteran who had flew numerous bombing missions during his time in the service, me and this gentleman sat and talked for over an hour about his time in the service and all he had seen and done. His son had finished his walking and patiently waited off to the side while we finished our conversation, when we was done he asked his dad if he was ready to go , the gentleman got up, thanked me for the conversation, I thanked him for his service and the conversation also and he proceeded to slowly walk towards one of the doors. His son came over to me and thanked me for talking to his father as most days he just sits there while he walks and watches people walk by, I told him that it had been an honor to talk to his father and he assured me that I had made his dads day.