Amen to that. Taylor is a great example of a trad shooter with ZERO prejudice towards compound archers and it would serve more than a few in the trad community well to share his attitude.
I don't shoot a compound to cover up my weakness. I shoot one because I love perfection. My stick bow is a blast to shoot and when I shoot it regularly, I shoot it well enough to take hunting. However I am never satisfied with my performance and if someone like Brock can reach a point where even his shooting is not good enough, I'll never get there no matter how much I shoot. Picking up my compound and stacking shafts at 50 yards is something I truly enjoy and IMHO, is just as impressive as someone who can shoot a pie plate at 20 yards with a stick bow. I value my stick bow for its simplicity and I truly respect someone like Hoot Gibson who may have one of the finest hunting accomplishments I have ever seen under his belt. For a man to make his own bow, string, arrows, use turkey feathers and a rock that was crafted 10,000 years ago to kill a deer, that there is a true trophy and a fine example of our sport at its purest form. For that, I have all the respect in the world for Hoot and he gets even more respect from me for not holding that accomplishment over my head because I don't choose to hunt like that. As long as I live and hunt, his success doing that will rank near the top of the greatest things I have ever been privy to in this great sport.
We built this forum around the concept of brotherhood. Our bond here runs far deeper than what camo you wear, what brand of whatever is your favorite, or what weapon is your primary choice for chasing game animals. We are all here because we love being outdoors and we love sharing our successes, and even our failures, with our like minded brethren. Making statements like Joe quoted above does not fit this ideal and whenever someone goes against that grain, you can bet someone here will speak up...