Yes those last two pics were in areas where I just spread corn out on the ground. I never put corn in a pile. A 50 lb bag is spread over a very, very large area.
Everything about deer is so location specific that it is hard to tell someone how deer will react to any one thing verus another. Where I hunt it is a very large working cattle farm. The deer see and smell that farmer several times every single day. They don't panic when they smell human scent, they become alert and locate the source and then decide the best course of action. What the deer do and how they react where I hunt could be quite different than the deer two farms over. I know I put little to no value in reading a book by someone telling me how the deer will react and what they will do and why they do it where I hunt
I have on many, many occasions intentally lit a cigarette, when I used to smoke, with deer downwind to see their reaction, there is little to no reactions at all. This is with deer from the UP of Michigan, farmland bucks in central Ohio, mountain deer in PA and WV to the deer I primarily hunt in SE Ohio. I have left a sweaty jacket hanging by a feeder, I have pissed on the ground at a feeder just to gauge reaction, there is none beyond initial caution on the first approach. NOTE: I would note I haven't killed a booner in my life, I think I have actually only seen one in my entire life(even though many seem to believe they are behind every third tree in Ohio), but I have taken a bunch of deer with a bow and guns over these years. Maybe the reason I haven't killed a booner and only seen one, is because I just don't buy into all of the hype crap. I mean chewing gum to keep your breath scent down, are you friggin kidding me
If I never kill a booner because I take a more lax approach I am good with that. I've killed all I need to kill and I have no problem killing a mature buck every year if I choose to and I really enjoy my hunting without being paranoid about every little thing. My hunting activity, methodology and results fulfill my needs
All that being said is for me and where and how I hunt. My way is only my way and does not and would not work for everyone. A very large part of successful deer hunting and especially mature deer hunting is confidence in your ability to seal the deal, from initial planning, patience and final execution. If that takes chewing gum to control your breath scent to occur, more power to whoever needs it.
A deer is no smarter than we allow them to be.