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Article on canned hunts


Staff member
Really...and something stupid and something you disagree with are sometimes 2 different things.

Yes really. To compare this place to modern culture or the mess they call OS (and beyond) is either stupidity or just a statement made to ruffle feathers. You are obviously not paying attention to what we are accomplishing here and the principles we built TOO on. But how could anyone live up to the legendary Mike Rex's standards?!? So why should I be surprised you look down your nose at this place...

stupidity is a matter of perspective.

Yep. And I disagree with the stupidity in this instance.
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Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I've never participated in any deer contests on any forum although I do believe hunting is a competition sport. The competition being between the hunter and the hunted.

But see Mike, our competition isn't for straight up bragging rights and score. There is a deeper meaning behind it to help foster new relationships amongst members who might not really know one another. Hence why we have a buddy bird rule in the turkey contest to reward members for getting together and sharing hunts.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So Rob is the only one that has has his bucks removed? How about Scott Esker? Who got caught trespassing so many times he lost his license for a while. Records that have now been sealed. How about his buddy that shot one 2-3 years ago in Columbus also busted hunting in a metro park? I know you're well aware of these incidents. I thought if you were convicted of a hunting infraction you were banned from the BBBC?


*Supporting member*
Yes really. To compare this place to modern culture or the mess they call OS (and beyond) is either stupidity or just a statement made to ruffle feathers. You are obviously not paying attention to what we are accomplishing here and the principles we built TOO on. But how could anyone live up to the legendary Mike Rex's standards?!? So why should I be surprised you look down your nose at this place...

Yep. And I disagree with the stupidity in this instance.

Textbook example of what I was getting at and that's not looking down on anyone or any place. Lets table this discussion for a couple weeks where we can express ourselves a little clearer.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Textbook example of what I was getting at and that's not looking down on anyone or any place. Lets table this discussion for a couple weeks where we can express ourselves a little clearer.

Agreed. We can table it. But you can't goat people knowing what the reaction will be and then say "that's what I'm talking about" when you get the response. Lol.


*Supporting member*
So Rob is the only one that has has his bucks removed? How about Scott Esker? Who got caught trespassing so many times he lost his license for a while. Records that have now been sealed. How about his buddy that shot one 2-3 years ago in Columbus also busted hunting in a metro park? I know you're well aware of these incidents. I thought if you were convicted of a hunting infraction you were banned from the BBBC?

You're banned from future entries. Rob MCarley is the only example of the BBBC going back and pulling previous entries.

This did happen one other time in the case of Roger Rothhaar. My first act as president of the club was to reinstate all of Roger's entries and write him a formal letter of apology on behalf of the membership.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
When I step onto "the trail" that will lead me to my stand I am not flooded with the thoughts and dreams of a huge buck coming into bow range, although it would be nice. My hunt is about enjoying nature and seeing what goes on when the critters don't know I'm there lurking in a tree. I hunt to fill the freezer, it saves my family a ton of money and we don't have to buy beef. I do have a couple nice bucks on camera but I don't go out of my way to hunt them, if they choose to make the final stroll in front of my stand then that's great. I did place a stand in a good spot about a month ago, and a few weeks ago I went in TOO dump some corn in front of the camera and jumped a wide 8 point. If he happens to walk through I will shoot him but if not that's fine, I still got to enjoy the outdoors.
I'd venture to say that most bowhunters in todays world are fueled by the pursuit of big antlers. It is the nature of the beast. Why do most of us run trail cameras, surely not to pattern a doe or a spike buck. How often do we type, I'd let that doe grow another year, virtually never. How many bucks do we say this about though? Lets be realistic, the site may bring us together and form friendships, but most guys goals are based on antler size. Like it or not, admit it or not, most guys judge success by the size of the antlers on the buck he shoots. Yes, I enjoy being on stand, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm looking to take the biggest set of antlers that I can.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I'd venture to say that most bowhunters in todays world are fueled by the pursuit of big antlers. It is the nature of the beast. Why do most of us run trail cameras, surely not to pattern a doe or a spike buck. How often do we type, I'd let that doe grow another year, virtually never. How many bucks do we say this about though? Lets be realistic, the site may bring us together and form friendships, but most guys goals are based on antler size. Like it or not, admit it or not, most guys judge success by the size of the antlers on the buck he shoots. Yes, I enjoy being on stand, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm looking to take the biggest set of antlers that I can.

Woohoo! We have a winner! I couldn't have said it better myself, Hortontoter!
That's precisely how I see it! Me allowing other bucks walk for what ever reason I see fit. Allows me to hunt longer, because that is what I love to do. If I eat a tag, so be it. If I am blessed to shoot a big mature buck. Heck yeah, after all that's my goal. My main goal is to enjoy and relax, spend time with hunting buddies and share our stories.
When I do harvest a big one, its icing on the cake. As I sit in my man cave looking at my wall. I ain't admiring my success, but I truly admire the creature in which I have taken. One that I deem, GODS finest wild animal. I remember my first buck and how I felt when I was 16 years old. Lets just say, I was a very happy camper. A fork horn that hooked me for life!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Certainly the majority of hunters try and harvest a mature buck with a huge crown but as long they don't go about it illegally and according to the fair case guidelines, that is what's important to me verses how many entries they have in any books.
This site is littered with great people who all share the same passion in all hunting endeavors. Some haven't experienced the thrill and excitement of taking a 140+ deer yet but it's just a matter of time,IMO. Mature deer sporting 140" of net bone don't grow on trees and are more prevalent in some areas more than others. That's why access to prime hunting land is and will always be the chief reason why some hunters will or will not kill a book deer, again IMO.

Canned hunts or high fence ops nearly guarantees the hunter will have the opportunity to harvest a gargantuan buck and all they have to do is make the shot. The question is, was it worth the thousands of dollars for the experience?


Junior Member
Is the problem the acceleration on growing antlers or the value hunters put on them as a trophy. We will all agree that a buck with a huge rack is what were after. However i have hunted deer that were Doe and I would consider them just as big of a trophy as i would any massive buck. I still believe that the true trophy is the memories we take away from certain hunts. All that head hanging on wall is a reminder when we look at it of the experience. For me the experience involves the days hanging stands. Reading top maps running trail cams. The hard work that it took to harvest the buck. All of that together is what makes the trophy
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I guess I was half full of chit on my last reply, I do want a nice buck to hang on the wall rotflmao I came close last year but my rage didn't want to penetrate the shoulder. I only have one spot where my chances are decent on seeing/harvesting a mature buck. I'm also fine with the hides from the does I have harvested, my first kill with a bow was a mature doe and her hide is hanging on the wall next to the fan of my first turkey. I guess I'm just not as obsessed with taking big bucks as some of you guys are.


Staff member
When I started holding out for big bucks, it was because I felt a need to validate myself through inches of antlers and entries in some arbitrary book. However as the years have progressed and the reality of my situation has set in (the ground I hunt is not going to produce mature deer every season) the reason for holding out for big deer has changed. Now the reason I hold out for mature deer is for the chase and the challenge. I am extremely competitive and after hanging up the cleats/shoes that I wore for years on the field/court, hunting replaced the outlet for my competitive drive that sports always filled. There is also that feeling that is indescribable unless you've been there, but holding the rack of a mature buck in your hands does something for your soul that a little dink buck can't do. I've killed 5 bucks since I killed my first deer in '99, four of them with a bow. The first one I killed tickled me to death, but holding 75" in your hands is nothing next to the 140 from last season. Two of the other three had a mature head and swollen neck attached to the crown atop their head and that feeling is like none other. One of these days I'll knock down a true giant and it will have been a quest YEARS in the making. The feeling I'll have that day can't be bottled, can't be described, and can't be duplicated. No longer do I chase mature, big racked bucks for praise or validation. I do it to fuel my soul...
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In 2012 I changed from a 1st deer seen meat hunter to a bow hunter. I hunted every chance I got in 2012 and enjoyed it to no end. For 2013 I plan to bow and gun even more than the 250 hrs. I put in last year.
Do I want to shoot a nice buck with a bow? Sure I do but it won't spoil my fun of hunting. I ate my buck tag last year after passing on 7 small bucks. I also ate a doe tag after passing on 10 plus doe shots.
I did get my 1st bow kill last year with a mature doe. At this late stage in my life I just plan on enjoying my self and won't worry myself to death if I don't get a big one.
The family thinks I'm crazy for putting so much time and expense in hunting and a new food plot with a new hunting tower. But I already knew that.
Hunt and enjoy it and don't sweat it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
This will also contribute to the end of hunting as we know it...


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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I guess I was a little off track on this thread, but I was trying say how much different "canned hunts" are, opposed with the ways we hunt as a whole. The experiences that I and you share are true and not influenced by others. I guess to each his own, but canned hunts aren't for me.


Junior Member
When I started holding out for big bucks, it was because I felt a need to validate myself through inches of antlers and entries in some arbitrary book. However as the years have progressed and the reality of my situation has set in (the ground I hunt is not going to produce mature deer every season) the reason for holding out for big deer has changed. Now the reason I hold out for mature deer is for the chase and the challenge. I am extremely competitive and after hanging up the cleats/shoes that I wore for years on the field/court, hunting replaced the outlet for my competitive drive that sports always filled. There is also that feeling that is indescribable unless you've been there, but holding the rack of a mature buck in your hands does something for your soul that a little dink buck can't do. I've killed 5 bucks since I killed my first deer in '99, four of them with a bow. The first one I killed tickled me to death, but holding 75" in your hands is nothing next to the 140 from last season. Two of the other three had a mature head and swollen neck attached to the crown atop their head and that feeling is like none other. One of these days I'll knock down a true giant and it will have been a quest YEARS in the making. The feeling I'll have that day can't be bottled, can't be described, and can't be duplicated. No longer do I chase mature, big racked bucks for praise or validation. I do it to fuel my soul...

Jesse captured what i was trying to explain. The trophy for me is the pursuit even if it takes years.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No canned shoots for me.I have a buddy who's friend raises deer and some are just freakishly huge.To walk in the pen and stand feet from them and take pics and know that 300 inch buck is going to be sold for a canned shoot which is what it is as these deer are like pets i myself would want no part of that but to each their own.At least Hornwilly was up front about his deer as their are some people that shoot these deer and then try to play it off like it was fair chase and that we all should have a problem with.On another note i do think the TOO forum is alot different than other forums in a great way.I enjoy talking with everyone and getting to know them better and think the deer contest is great the way it is set up because it is not about who shoots the biggest deer.Everyone here seems to care and support each other and not just with hunting but with what's going on in life in general and that is a great thing.It is also nice that nobody cares what weapon you use to shoot your animal with instead of the well you should have used this instead of that.Really sick of that one.I enjoy hunting deer and guess i am at a point where i will shoot a doe for meat and will just eat my tag if i dont get an opportunity at a buck i want.I also just prefer to know the gross score of a buck as i have seen deer gross 180s and end up 160s or less.Gross score just lets me know what that deer really has.Of all the bucks i have shot over the years I have only had two officially scored and that was years ago but now if i am lucky enough to get a buck i want i will just look up on the wall and remember that hunt and the challenge it was and that is good enough for me as i dont feel like i need to impress anyone including myself.I also enjoy the trailcam and trophy wall thread's as it is nice to see all the deer pics and the animals that other TOO members have been lucky enough to connect on.And yes we all enjoy the big racks.Sorry a little off topic here but for me this will be the only forum i will be hanging my hat on so you guys are just stuck with me.Good luck TOO all of you this season no matter what weapon you use and canned or free range.