So it sounds like what you are saying is that the big ole insurance company head quartered in Columbus that we are not suppose to name is going to continue to get their way and there is nothing we can do about it. It's almost as if it doesn't matter what we say, what Mrex says, what Mike T says, it's all just words. They have the power and that isn't going to change anytime soon.
You got it brother... Lets do a little math.
At our peak in 2003 DVA's were 31,709 and in 2012 20,683 a reduction of 34.78%
Plugging in the numbers below we can see that in 2003 the total cost to insurance companies was $258,303,535 per year
Figure in the 37.78% reduction from 2003-1012 the spend is $168,465,566
A savings of $89,837,969
Say they take 10% of that savings (almost 9 million dollars) and spend it on lobbyist, state senators, the governor, all to put pressure on the DNR to reduce the numbers even further. Keep in mind. The head of the DNR is an appointed position.
They spend 9 million to save almost 90 million. Hell of a return on investment.
If you manage to raise enough money to start putting pressure on your own on individuals, they'll just raise their contributions more.. Right now they can spend close to 90 million before they no longer see a savings from their efforts. The day we as hunters can bring 90 million dollars worth of heat on the head of the DNR is the day he will start listing to us instead of insurance companies.
And this is just vehicle and personal injury. We haven't even gotten in to farm losses. The agricultural industry in Ohio is a 93 billion dollar industry.
Vehicle repair cost for DVA's are on Average $2,850 per collision.
Human Injuries average 7.7%.
Of that 7% the breakdown is as follows. 51.4% possible human injuries - 38.4% evident human injuries - 10.3 % for incapacitating or severe human injuries.
The standard costs associated with each injury category, (US$24,418 for possible human injuries, US$46,266 for evident human injuries, and US$231,332 for incapacitating or severe human injuries.
The percentage of white-tailed deer-vehicle collisions resulting in human fatalities was 0.009% in Ohio resulting in a $1,002 cost per DVA total average.
Towing cost $125 per DVA