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Looking for a waterfowl mentor


Senior Member
Hey guys. I've always been a huge deer hunter since I've started hunting and never had the opportunity to get out and duck hunt with someone that knows what they're doing. I've shot one bufflehead before (that's it, embarassing lol) and that's my total waterfowl kill. But I'm wondering if anyone wouldn't mind being a mentor for me and showing me the ropes this early season? I honestly don't have much to provide to the actual hunt, however I can provide food and post hunting booze haha as well as any other preseason during the hunt or post hunt grunt work I'd be willing to give a helping hand.

If you travel North sometime I could take you out ON A WEEKDAY up here where I live in Ottawa Co
As I am a member of a Hunt Club
Nothing fancy , just a place to hunt

Not realy suposed to take non members out ....but we do when no one is around
And that is during the week

About 5 miles from Ottawa National Refuge

We get a decent amount of ducks and geese
Some evenings last fall I saw 1000+ ducks drop into our marsh

Also , waders are not needed at a number of the blinds



Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
I'm in the Columbus area and hunt a lot on the western side of Franklin county. I probably wont get onto too many early birds bc all of my ag fields are either corn or beans. It'll prob be Oct. before I dive into my spots but keep active on here and we can work something out. I'm usually a Thursday/Sunday hunter due to work schedule unless I burn some leave when things get good.


Senior Member
John I'll keep that in mind. I work pretty crazy hours during the week but I may be able to take a day off and swing on up.

Rutin- yeah I'd be interested for sure. I'll keep in touch and that'd be awesome if we could work something out!


Senior Member
Just bumping this back up to the top. Not that I expect anyone to be interested in dragging a greenhorn out on opening weekend lol

If anyone wouldn't mind showing me the ropes sometime. I can provide anything else needed(especially laughter as I whiff on ducks) other than actual waterfowl hunting knowledge/related equipment such as decoys and what not... I'd really like to get into waterfowl hunting and see what all goes into it.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
If you are looking for an empty wallet,a pissed off Sig other and always being tired you will love waterfowl hunting!

That's about as accurate as it can be. rotflmao

Teej89, this weekend isn't looking good for any openings, but I'll try and get you out sometime this season.


Staff member
At least you have some tack. Here is my conversation in the mail room this morning with our residence tool bag. Keep in mind I have nothing in common with this dude other than the fact he "hunts" deer...

Tool Bag: "When does duck season start?"

Me: "This Saturday."

TB: "Nice. That leads me to my next question, you want to take me duck hunting this year?"

Me: "Uh... Well, I guess we can work something out." - Knowing full well this fugg ain't sitting in a duck blind with me this year or EVER!

TB: "Cool, cool. Well I threw out the line, so the ball is in your court."

Me: "Ok. We'll see what happens..."

About halfway down the hall I hear TB yell: "Don't forget me man!"



Junior Member
I had this conversation with a friend from highschool that I havnt talked to in years. He wanted to try duck hunting but didn't know the ropes. I really don't like taking new people but don't have a problem getting new people into the sport. But he offered help on a bathroom remodel in my house. He is going to drywall a bathroom,bedroom, and stairs for 100 b ucks and 2 duck hunts. Needless to say he is going sat!


Staff member
I have no problems taking new people and will be taking my cousin on his first hunt Saturday. I also plan to take at least 3 more new hunters out this year now that I have my own spots. But this guy ain't on the list with that kind of approach!!!


Junior Member
My only problem taking people is that I have been screwed and stabed in the back more than once doing this. I hate showing places to hunt only to come back the next hunt to find this person that wanted to "try" duck or goose hunting bringing every person he knows that hunts to his new property.


Staff member
My only problem taking people is that I have been screwed and stabed in the back more than once doing this. I hate showing places to hunt only to come back the next hunt to find this person that wanted to "try" duck or goose hunting bringing every person he knows that hunts to his new property.

People like that need their faces rubbed in the marsh muck. Thems fightin' actions right there...


Senior Member
This year was the first year I went and got written permission for the places I hunt with my buddy. They are his spots, and I only went with him.His job changed and he won't get to hunt much this year. Told me about 50 times to go get it. Im not down with spot stealing....


Staff member
This is why I have been working so hard to get my own spots. My buddy has been kind enough to help in the past, but he can't go all that often. I'm addicted and its time to have my own places. He actually hunting with me opening morning so I can repay the favor!